


  1. Bergstrom,T.C. & Miller,J.H.(1997) Experiments with Economic Principles, McGrawHill

    1. Supply and Demand
    2. Shifting Supply
    3. A Sales Tax
    4. Prohibition
    5. A Minimum Wage
    6. Externalities
    7. Monopolies and Cartels
    8. Entry and Exit
    9. Measuring Productivity
    10. Comparative Advantage
    11. Adverse Selection
    12. Auctions
    13. Bargaining

  2. Davis,D. & Holt,C.(1993) Experimental Economics, Princeton Univ.Press

    1. Introduction and Overview
    2. Decisions and Game
    3. Double-Auction Markets
    4. Posted-Offer Auction
    5. Bargaining and Auctions
    6. Public Goods, Externalities, and Voting
    7. Asymmetric Information
    8. Individual Decisions in Risky Situations
    9. Economic Behavior and Experimental Methods: Summary and Extensions

  3. Friedman,D. & Rust,J.ed.(1993) The Double Auction Market, Addison-Wesley

    1. The Double Auction MarketInstitution: A Survey (Friedman,D.)
    2. Automating the Continuous Double Auction in Practice (Domowitz,I.)
    3. Theories of Price Formation and Exchange in Double Oral Auctions (Easley,D. & Ledyard,J.)
    4. The Baysian Theory of the k-Double Auction (Satterthwaite,M. & Williams,S.)
    5. Design of Efficient Trading Procedures (Wilson,R.)
    6. Behavior of Trading Automata in a Computerized Double Auction Market (Rust,J., Miller,J. & Palmer,R.)
    7. Lower Bound for Eficiency of Surplus Extraction in Double Auctions (Gode,D. & Sunder,S.)
    8. Some Effects of Restricting the Electronic Order Bok in an Automated Trade Execution System (Bollerslew,T. & Domowitz,I.)
    9. An Empirical Analysis of Price Formation in Double Auction Markets (cason,T. & Friedman,D.)
    10. Buyer's Bid Double Auctions: Preliminary Experimental Results (Kagel,J. & Vogt,W.)
    11. Designing a Uniform-Price Double Auction: An Experimental Evaluation (McCabe,K., Rassenti,S. & Smith,V.)
    12. On the Anatomy of the "Nonfacilitating" Features of the Double Auction Institution in Conspiratorial Markets (Clauser,L. & Plott,C.)
    13. Convergence in Experimental Double Auctions for Stochastically Lived Assets (Camerer,C. & Weigelt,K.)
    14. Liquidity and Persistence of Arbitrage in Experimental Options Market (O'brien,J. & Srivastava,S.)

  4. Friedman,D. & Sunder,S.(1994) Experimental Methods: A Primer for Economists, Cambridge Univ.Press
    秋永利明・内木哲也・川越敏司・森徹 訳・著『実験経済学の方法』同文館、近刊

    1. Introduction
    2. Principles of economics experiments
    3. Experimental design
    4. Human subjects
    5. Laboratory facilities
    6. Conducting an experiment
    7. Data analysis
    8. Reporting your results
    9. The emergence of experimental economics
    10. Appendix: Supplemental materials

  5. Kagel,J. & Roth,A.(1995) The Handbook of Experimental Economics, Princeton Univ.Press

    1. Introduction to Experimental Economics
    2. Public Goods: A Survey of Experimental Research
    3. Coordination Problems
    4. Bargaining Experiments
    5. Industrial Organization: A Survey of Laboratory Research
    6. Experimental Asset Markets: A Survey
    7. Auctions: A Survey of Experimental Research
    8. Individual Decision Making

  6. J.H.Kagel, R.C.Battalio, L.Green(1995) Economic Choice Theory, Cambridge

  7. 森 徹(1996) 『公共財供給メカニズムの有効性』多賀出版

    1. 実験経済学の形成と発展
    2. 公共財供給メカニズムとフリーライダー問題
    3. 自発的支払メカニズムにおけるフリーライダー行動の実験的検証
    4. 自発的支払メカニズムの有効性と個人行動
    5. 自発的支払メカニズムの有効性

  8. A.Artale(1997) Rings in Auctions An Experimental Approach, Springer

4.は、サンタフェ研究所で行われたダブル・オークション市場実験のワークショップの論文集 5.は、実験経済学でこれまでなされてきた研究についてのサーベイ論文集。


  1. 今井賢一(1970)「寡占価格と囚人のジレンマ」鈴木光男編『競争社会のゲームの理論』勁草書房、所収
  2. 森徹(1989)「公共財供給機構の有効性:実験的研究」『経済研究』40巻第3号、pp.234-246.
  3. 伊原豊實(1992)「公共財の自発的供給」田中・伊原・平井著『公共経済学の基礎と展開』中央経済社、所収
  4. 西條辰義・中村英樹(1992)「自発的寄付メカニズム実験におけるスパイト・ディレンマ」『三田学会雑誌』第85巻第3号、pp.80-99.
  5. 宇根正志・西條辰義(1996)「競争・公平・スパイト・談合」伊藤秀史編『日本の企業システム』東京大学出版、所収
  6. 西條辰義(1997) 「実験経済学が経済現象を検証する」週刊ダイヤモンド4/19
  1. 西山賢一『勝つためのゲーム理論』講談社ブルーバックス
  2. 西村周三(1989)『応用ミクロ経済学』有斐閣
  3. ウィリアム・パウンドストーン(1995)『囚人のジレンマ』青土社
  4. D.A.アルハデフ(1987)『消費者行動と経済心理学』東洋経済新報社
