
This field offers to study skills to express the information you have in an efficient way by using computers,and designing interfaces.





Comprehensive editing ability is what we expect you to learn here. Say,you are working for a local office and you and publicize the local apecial product. You might establish a home page,make a pamphlet and design a package by DTP.This whole process is controlled by you, and that means a "total produce": combining many materials, editing,designing and producing a new thing. The skill of total-produce is what Iexpect students to learn through my class. In order to make it possible, you may have to go to the site and feel the atmosphere, or listen to what users would have to say. I would love to take student out to an exercise with a bag-pack and a sleeping bag if the project repuires. This University is filled with possibility and potential that anybody can achieve something totally new , I hope you can feel the real pleasure of "producing of" producing a new value "in this environment.