Kengo Terasawa and Yuzuru Tanaka
"Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search for a Dataset of Normalized Vectors"
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E92-D, No.9, pp.1609-1619, Sep. 2009.
* This paper won IEICE Best Paper Award on March 22, 2010.
寺沢憲吾, 長崎健, 川嶋稔夫
電子情報通信学会論文誌,vol.J88-D-II, no.8, pp.1720-1728, (Aug. 2005)
(英訳: Kengo Terasawa, Takeshi Nagasaki, and Toshio Kawashima,
``Error Evaluation of Scale-Invariant Local Descriptor and Its
Application to Image Indexing,''
Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part III: Fundamental
Electronic Science), vol. 90, no. 2, pp.31-39, Oct. 2006.)
Takehiro Nakano and Kengo Terasawa,
"Recognition of Historical Japanese Characters Based on Subcharacter Components,"
International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, IWFCV2020, Ibushuki, Japan, Feb. 20-21, 2020.
Sora Ito and Kengo Terasawa,
"Extraction of Distinctive Keywords and Articles from Untranscribed Historical Newspaper Images,"
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, IWAIT2020, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Jan. 5-7, 2020.
Yuichi Watanabe, Kengo Terasawa and Yasuyuki Sumi,
"Exploring Old Maps by Finger Tracing of Characters,"
International Workshop on Human-Document Interaction, HDI2017, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 9-15, 2017.
Kazuaki Oyama and Kengo Terasawa,
"Improvement of Character Recognition System by Removing Voiced Sound Marks,"
International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, IWFCV2017, Seoul, Korea, Feb. 1-3, 2017.
Shinjiro Kaneko and Kengo Terasawa,
"Automatic Verification System for Sudoku Puzzles Using Clustering-based Handwritten Digit Recognition,"
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, IWAIT2016, Busan, Korea, Jan. 6-8, 2016.
Kei Tanaka and Kengo Terasawa,
"Character Recognition of Medieval ENglish Manuscripts Supported by a Word Frequency Table,"
3rd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition, ACPR2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 3-6, 2015.
Souki Hirahara, Toshio Kawashima and Kengo Terasawa,
``3D Shape and Reflectance Estimation for Printed Media,''
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, IWAIT2013,
pp.398-403, Nagoya, Japan, Jan. 7-9, 2013.
Hiroki Shimizu and Kengo Terasawa,
``Effectiveness of image searching with LSH algorithms,''
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, IWAIT2012,
pp.712-717, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Jan. 9-10, 2012.
Kengo Terasawa, Takahiro Shima and Toshio Kawashima,
``A Fast Appearance-Based Full-Text Search Method for Historical Newspaper Images,''
11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR2011,
pp.1379-1383, Beijing, China, Sept. 18-21, 2011.
Takahiro Shima, Kengo Terasawa and Toshio Kawashima,
``Image Processing for Historical Newspaper Archives,''
International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing, HIP'11,
pp.127-132, Beijing, China, Sept. 16-17, 2011.
Kengo Terasawa, Toshio Kawashima and Yuzuru Tanaka,
``The Extended Boyer-Moore-Horspool Algorithm for Locality-Sensitive Pseudo-Code,''
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP2011,
pp.437-441, Algarve, Portugal, March 5-7, 2011.
Kengo Terasawa and Yuzuru Tanaka,
``Slit Style HOG Feature for Document Image Word Spotting,''
International Conference on Documents Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR2009,
pp.116-120, Barcelona, Spain, July.26-29, 2009.
Kengo Terasawa, Hajime Imura and Yuzuru Tanaka,
``Automatic Evaluation Framework for Word Spotting,''
International Conference on Documents Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR2009,
pp.276-280, Barcelona, Spain, July.26-29, 2009.
Kengo Terasawa and Yuzuru Tanaka,
``Locality Sensitive Pseudo-Code for Document Images,''
International Conference on Documents Analysis and Recognition,
vol.1, pp.73-77, Curitiba, Brazil, Sept.23-26, 2007.
* This paper was nominated for IAPR/ICDAR Best Paper Award. (Out of 102 oral papers, three papers were nominated.)
Kengo Terasawa and Yuzuru Tanaka,
``Spherical LSH for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search on Unit Hypersphere,''
10th Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures,
LNCS 4619, pp.27-38, Halifax, Canada, Aug.15-17, 2007.
Kengo Terasawa, Takeshi Nagasaki, and Toshio Kawashima,
``Automatic Keyword Extraction from Historical Document Images,''
7th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, DAS2006, LNCS 3872,
pp.413-424, Nelson, New Zealand, Feb. 13-15, 2006.
Kengo Terasawa, Takeshi Nagasaki, and Toshio Kawashima,
``Robust Matching Method for Scale and Rotation Invariant Local
Descriptors and Its Application to Image Indexing,''
Asia Information Retrieval Symposium,
LNCS 3689, pp.601-615, Jeju Island, Korea, Oct. 13-15, 2005.
Kengo Terasawa, Takeshi Nagasaki, and Toshio Kawashima,
``Eigenspace Method for Text Retrieval in Historical Document Images,''
International Conference on Documents Analysis and Recognition,
vol.1, pp.437-441, Seoul, Korea, Aug.29- Sept.1, 2005.
"A Fast Matching Algorithm for the Scanned Document Images,"
KMS'08, International Workshop on Knowledge Media Science 2008 (2008. 3).
"String searching algorithm for continuous time series,"
PISA'07, Perspectives of Intelligent System's Assistance (2007. 8).
"Conversion of document image into pseudo-code,"
ISIP'07, the third Franco-Japanese workshop on information search, integration and personalization (2007. 6).
ほか、査読委員 ― 情報処理学会論文誌, Journal of Information Processing,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL),
Optical Engineering, SoCG'08, MIRU2010, ACPR2011, MIRU2012, ICPR2012, MIRU2013, MIRU2014, 電気学会論文誌,
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR)
2014年 第1回GPW杯デジタルカーリング大会準優勝
2011年 学長表彰 ベスト研究賞
2010年 平成21年度(第66回)電子情報通信学会論文賞
2007年 ICDAR2007 において IAPR/ICDAR Best Paper Award にノミネートされる