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Strategies Explained

Ian Frank, David Basin

To be presented at the Fifth Game Programming Workshop in Japan, 1999

The version on these pages is a slightly updated ETL Technical Report, ETL-TR-99-32


For many problem-solving tasks, it is important not only to produce solutions, but also to be able to explain them. In this paper, we describe how we are addressing this question within the framework of our computer game-playing research.

We build on the computer Bridge system FINESSE, which finds optimal lines of play for single-suit Bridge problems. To explain FINESSE's strategies, we developed an approach based on three distinct steps. First, we identify from a strategy the possible sequences of MAX plays that needs to be explained. Second, we remove from consideration move sequences or game situations that would be considered too simple to explain to human players. Third, we produce natural English text with the aid of both game-general and game-specific patterns and idioms that can explain each MAX and MIN move. We explain each of these three steps, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the overall approach by comparing automatically generated explanations against those found in an expert Bridge text.

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