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And The Fans are Going Wild! SIG plus MIKE

Ian Frank, Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Yukiko Nakagawa, K. Maeda, Kazuhiro Nakadai, and Hiroaki Kitano

Fourth International Workshop on RoboCup, Melbourne, Australia. Proceedings to be published by Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence series.


We present a commentary system for real-world robotic soccer. In our system, a computer commentator is embodied physically by a robot, SIG, and is assisted by one or more humans. Our system recognises that each of the human commentators, as well as the referee, robots, team designers, and audience members are important actors in the drama of a RoboCup game. To analyse a game, we use a modified version of the MIKE program to combine the multi-modal input of one stream of audio data plus two streams of video data. The physical robot that `speaks' MIKE's output adds the modality of body language to the social interaction that characterises the overall commentary task. SIG can direct audience attention to important events by looking at them, provide more realism to the interaction between MIKE and the human commentators, and even comment on audience attitudes as part of the commentary itself.

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