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Playing the Artificial Intelligence Card

Ian Frank

Appears in `Scientist' Magazine. Published by University of Edinburgh, 1997.

Full text of article:

    Rincewind looked blankly at Ysabell as words 
    like `rebiddable suit', `double finesse' and 
    `grand slam' floated through the velvet.
    `Do you understand any of that?' she asked.
    `Not a word,' he said.
    `It sounds awfully complicated.'

    On the other side of the door the heavy voice 

    `Some of them get to be very good at it, yes. 
    I'm only an amateur, I'm afraid.'


                               --- Terry Pratchett
                             `The Light Fantastic'
Yes, humans play Bridge for fun. Like most things that are fun, though, it's difficult to enjoy alone. And, since it can sometimes be hard to find others who share your taste in pastimes, ingenious designers have come up with computer programs to substitute for live participants. Recently, researchers at Edinburgh's Department of Artificial Intelligence have also been turning their attention to computer Bridge. They have produced their own Bridge system (FINESSE), and made new discoveries about how to play complex games.

The First Moves

Gaming research has long been popular in Artificial Intelligence. In the 1950s, the acceptance of the `Turing Test' focused attention on the mimicking of human behavior as a test of machine intelligence. To pass this test, a computer must answer questions from a human interrogator in a way that makes it indistinguishable from a human responder. Since this was beyond the capabilities of any practical fifties technology, attention was turned instead to easier problems such as simple, two-person games of strategy like chess and checkers.

Computer Challengers

Research on these games, and on chess in particular, has generated significant advances in the theory of search algorithms and search control, as well as motivating cognitive studies into the ways that humans play games. In checkers, a program called Chinook is now the strongest in the world (http://web.cs.ualberta.ca:80/~chinook/). In chess, the world champion Gary Kasparov said that he `sensed a new kind of intelligence across the table' during his 1996 match with IBM's Deep Thought (http://www.chess.ibm.park.org/). Kasparov won this match 3-1, after coming back from the shock of losing the first game. This May, the computer designers get a second chance, with a re-match pitting Kasparov against their upgraded contender, Deeper Blue (http://www.chess.ibm.com/).

Bridge to the Unknown

Whatever the outcome of the Kasparov rematch, computers seem to be hot on the heels of human game players. In Othello, the top 5 ranked programs are all machines! The road to computer ascendancy may still have a few corners left, though. Earlier this year, for example, there was a burst of media articles about the game of Bridge. Whereas chess, checkers and othello are two-person games with `complete information' (you can see all the pieces), Bridge involves four players and has `incomplete information' (the opponent's cards are hidden). Not knowing the actual state of the game leaves computers guessing between the large number of possible configurations. A Times leader article on computer Bridge was titled `Deep thought, but very little nous'. The conclusion of a New Scientist article was that `Computers may be able to trounce grandmasters at chess, but you wouldn't want one as a Bridge partner'.

Neither Here nor There

One of the reasons that computers find Bridge difficult was formalised by the researchers at Edinburgh. They showed exactly what goes wrong when the search algorithms that have been so successful for perfect information games are tried on imperfect information games like Bridge. Put simply, the typical search procedure makes a `tree' of possible moves and then, starting at the leaves of the tree and working to the base, selects the best move at each branching point. This works for complete information games, but with games like Bridge it runs into a problem: the best choice at one point in the tree can depend on the choice you make at any other point, too. The researchers at Edinburgh named this problem `non-locality'; no one part of a game tree can be examined independently from the rest.

A Little Finesse

The Bridge system developed at Edinburgh, FINESSE, restricts the available options at any stage of the search to a pre-determined set of possibilities, or tactics. These tactics basically distill the large diversity of card-play examples found in Bridge books into a small number of concrete and distinct manoeuvres. With these tactics, FINESSE becomes capable of constructing plans that look ahead right to the end of the tree of possible actions. The tactics also help with the problem of non-locality by allowing some portions of the game tree to be easily identified as `bad responses' to some manoeuvres. Another benefit of this approach is that the formalisation of a set of tactics has the side-effect of increasing our knowledge about the game itself. This is demonstrated by FINESSE's ability to give English-language explanations for its actions. A typical explanation might be `Finesse the Queen --- this leads to three tricks if West holds the King'. The quality of these explanations is the subject of ongoing research, as is the construction of an extra module for allowing FINESSE to be used as a tutoring system for Bridge beginners.

The Future

On simple Bridge problems, FINESSE shows that non-locality occurs just over a third of the time. This measurement has recently been confirmed by Matt Ginsberg in America, who looked at larger examples. Ginsberg thinks that he may have a theoretical solution to non-locality but describes it as an `algorithmic nightmare'. Despite the protestations by the heavy voice at the beginning of this article (actually, Death) that `THEY ONLY LIVE EIGHTY OR NINETY YEARS!', then, it seems that humans can still teach computers a thing or two about Bridge. For the time being at least they should be able to trump the Artificial Intelligence card.

[Ian Frank received his PhD from Edinburgh University in July 1996 and is now a member of the Complex Games Lab at the Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan.]

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