Admission Policy

Master’s/Doctoral Students Sought by FUN and Screening Method of Their Qualities and Abilities

Master’s Program

  • Students Sought by FUN
    Students who can challenge new field in Systems Information Science, acquire basic achievement related to special field, have motivation and ability to respond, communication skills and English fluency required to conduct research.
  • Outline of Exam
    Basic academic achievement related to the special field and ability to use it are evaluated by written exam prepared by the applied field. Moreover, the ability to conduct research is evaluated by the research plan submitted at the time of application and ability to use English on research is evaluated by private English test. Interview is given based on the application documents to screen communication skill, operation capability of specialized knowledge, ability to conduct research, and independent creativity.
  • Screening Method

    ・Submitted TOEIC score (to evaluate ability to use English)

    ・Interview (based on applying and research plan submitted at the time of application, and Q&A)

  • Implementation Schedule

Doctoral Program

  • Students Sought by FUN
    Students who can challenge new field in Systems Information Science, acquire basic achievement related to special field, have motivation and ability to respond, communication skill in Japanese and English to appropriately present research results to academic community and the industrial world in particular.
  • Outline of Exam
    Basic academic achievement in Systems Information Science, ability to conduct research, and communication skill are evaluated through the presentation about research achievements and research plan after the admission and Q&A. Communication skill in English related to the research is particularly evaluated during the Q&A session.
  • Screening Method
    ・Interview (based on presentation about research achievements, reasons for applying and research plan submitted at the time of application, and Q&A)
  • Implementation Schedule