Site Policy


This web site ( is the official website of Future University Hakodate, and is run by the Public Relations Committee. We take seriously the protection of the privacy of anyone who accesses this site (called a “user” hereinafter). Therefore, we handle personal information in conformity with the “Personal Data Protection Regulations” and  “Information Disclosure Regulations” set forth separately, we handle personal information as follows.

1. Collection and utilization of personal information of people who access this site.

Provision of personal information

When personal user information is requested, we never use this information in any way except that allowed by the terms and conditions of “Personal Data Protection Regulations”, which are strictly applied.


We only request personal information for purposes such as the physical delivery of materials requested by a user, or for registering a user for specific events. Strong safeguards are in place against illegal access, loss of information, destruction, falsification and leakage of information.

Access log

We collect data on users with the sole purpose of improving our website.

About cookies

This site sometimes employs cookies to track individual users but it does not record any information that could lead to specifying the identity of the individual.

Observance of the law

We comply with the “Personal Data Protection Law” and observe all other national laws. In addition, we will review and improve our efforts regarding this website policy as appropriate.

Revision and renewal of this website policy

This website policy is subject to review, revision and renewal in accordance with changes in the law or changes in society and technology. 

2. For the user of this site

Please use this site after acknowledgement of the articles below. (//

About copyright

The copyright of this site belongs to Future University Hakodate, except where otherwise noted. The reproduction and duplication of the contents of this site without permission is an infringement of copyright.

About links

As a general rule, you are free to link to this website, and you do not need to notify us of your intention to do so. However, please note that the URL and contents may be changed or suspended without prior notice. We will not be held responsible for any problems that may occur as a result of linking to this website.

Linking to this website using frames or in any other way that makes it unclear the content is from this website is strictly prohibited.

We are not responsible for the content of third party websites linked to or from this website. Furthermore, we are not responsible for compensation, complains, or claims from third parties regarding linked websites.

If the content of the website you link to is offensive to public order and morals, or if you are involved or may be involved in activities that are offensive to public order and morals, or if we determine that there are other problems, we may refuse the link itself.

We also refuse links from sites that contain content that may be harmful to our reputation or be detrimental to the trust of us.

Inquiries to :

Future University Hakodate Public Relations Committee
TEL : 0138-34-6448
Email : (replace ‘_at_’ with ‘@’)