Welcome to this new five-article series on an exciting and innovative development in the global education futures space – Project-Based Learning – at FUTURE UNIVERSITY HAKODATE. This article series emerges from a recent book – 未来を創る「プロジェクト学習」のデザイン – or in English: The Design of Project-Based Learning – Learning Methodologies to Transform Our Futures – edited by Professor Noyuri Mima from FUTURE UNIVERSITY HAKODATE (FUN). The articles you will read here over the next few months on this FUN website are based on and adapted from the original chapters from the book and are translated by Dr. David Lindsay Wright, formerly an Associate Professor of the same university and who also taught Project-Based Learning courses to FUN students between 2004 and 2011.
We hope our domestic and international readers enjoy and benefit from this series. There is something in this book for everybody.
Project-Based Learning – In The Beginning … - PART2
History and Philosophy of Project-Based Learning at Future University HAKODATE (FUN) - PART3
Situating the Project-Based Learning Program at Future University - PART4
Project-Based Learning Stories – Talking to Academic Staff - PART5
Project-Based Learning Evaluations, Application to Society & Afterword