Faculty Introduction Ja

ISHIO, Takashi


Message for Students

FUN is a place to try new things. I hope that you will have fun trying any new knowledge, technologies and actions.

Research Contents

My research includes software analysis and visualization techniques for software developers to support programming and software development activities.

Attractive Factors of My Research

Software Engineering researchers are close to software developers who use the methodologies and tools produced by the research. The research is exciting because we can bring research outcomes to industry to change their work habits and make software developers happier.


  1. IPSJ/SIGSE Research Award (September, 2021)
  2. IEICE Best Paper Award (June, 2021)
  3. 13th International Workshop on Software Clones People’s Choice Award (February, 2019)
  4. 2018 DocGen Challenge runner-ups (Usefulness category) (September, 2018)
  5. 23rd IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension Best Tool Demo Award (May 2015)
  6. 6th International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice Best Paper Award (November 2014)

Major Books and Papers

  • Yuki Ueda, Takashi Ishio, Kenichi Matsumoto: DevReplay: Linter that Generates Regular Expressions for Repeating Code Changes. Science of Computer Programming, November 2022.
  • Ifraz Rehman, Dong Wang, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Takashi Ishio, Kenichi Matsumoto: Newcomer OSS-Candidates: Characterizing Contributions of Novice Developers to GitHub. Empirical Software Engineering, vol.27, article number 109, May 2022.
  • Takashi Ishio, Naoto Maeda, Kensuke Shibuya, Kenho Iwamoto, Katsuro Inoue: NCDSearch: Sliding Window-Based Code Clone Search Using Lempel-Ziv Jaccard Distance. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E105-D, no.5, pp.973-981, May 2022.
  • Bodin Chinthanet, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Rodrigo Eliza Zapata, Takashi Ishio, Kenichi Matsumoto, Akinori Ihara: SojiTantei: Function-Call Reachability Detection of Vulnerable Code for Npm Packages. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E105-D, no.1, pp.19—20, January 2022.
  • Dong Wang, Yuki Ueda, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Takashi Ishio, Kenichi Matsumoto: Can We Benchmark Code Review Studies? A Systematic Mapping Study of Methodology, Dataset, and Metric. Journal of Systems and Software, vol.180, no.111009, October 2021.
  • Tao Xiao, Dong Wang, Shane Mcintosh, Hideaki Hata, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Takashi Ishio, and Kenichi Matsumoto: Characterizing and Mitigating Self-Admitted Technical Debt in Build Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Accepted on September 2021.
  • Takenouchi, Keita, Takashi Ishio, Joji Okada, and Yuji Sakata: PATSQL: Efficient Synthesis of SQL Queries from Example Tables with Quick Inference of Projected Columns. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, vol.14, no.11, pp.1937-1949, August 2021.
  • Morita, Hiromu, Toshiki Hirao, Takashi Ishio, Shota Nitta, Yasunao Mori, and Kenichi Matsumoto: Towards Measuring the Impact of Industrial Programming Training on Source Code Quality, コンピュータソフトウェア, vol.38, no.3, pp.75-82, 2021年7月.
  • Bodin Chinthanet, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Shane McIntosh, Takashi Ishio, Akinori Ihara, Kenichi Matsumoto: Lags in the Release, Adoption, and Propagation of Npm Vulnerability Fixes. Empirical Software Engineering, vol.26, article no.47, 28 pages, March 2021.
  • Kazumasa Shimari, Takashi Ishio, Tetsuya Kanda, Naoto Ishida, Katsuro Inoue: NOD4J: Near-Omniscient Debugging Tool for Java Using Size-Limited Execution Trace. Science of Computer Programming, vol.206, no.102630, 13 pages, February 2021.