Faculty Introduction Ja

KANG, Nam-Gyu

Associate Professor

Message for Students

Kansei Science has a lot of new possibilities to improve our life. I am waiting for those students who are interested in design amd Kansei (emotion).

Research Contents

My main focus of research is concerned design and human. Esprcially, Kansei(Emotion) of human is concerend strongly with my research. Kansei quality and value is very important in design feild. And, the research on developing a system which supports to creating inovative ideas with effect based on international cooperation was started from 2012 also.

Attractive Factors of My Research

Kansei science field is new and very interesting research field. If we can understand the relationship with design and Kansei (Emotion) more, we can create more new and powerful value in design. The research in Kansei design field needs various behavioral observations and flexible viewpoints to create new idea. That is why I am interested in international cooperation to create new ideas and conducted a lot of International Summer Design Workshop(ISDW) with Korea, China, Singapore and Thai.


With researches in Kansei science, we have created a lot of new designs such as “KanjiOn: learning Kanji with pleasure based on sound individual hand-writing characteristics”, “Megulook : Kansei Library searching system for a child”, “EmoTag: Kansei Photo viewer system” etc. Moreover, We conducted many ISDW in Japan, Korea, China and Singapore to create Kansei value in design.

Major Books and Papers

  • Namgyu Kang: Potential of Visualizing Preference as Internal Factor for the Creative Process, – Case study of the “Beyond Creativity” workshop-. Archives of Design Research, 28(2), 43-53. 2015
  • Nam-Gyu Kang, Hidetsugu Suto and Patchanee Patitad: Role of Design Process Based on Expended ADT Model and TTS Method – Focused on International Design Workshop as Case Studies -, Journal of Integrated Design Research Vol.13 No.1, pp.107-116, 2014
  • Nam-Gyu KANG,Hidetsugu SUTO: How to observe, Share and Apply in Design Process? -Focusing on International Design Workshops as a Case Study-, HCI 2013, Vol. 9 (1), pp.498-505, 2013
  • Nam-Ggyu KANG:Study on Value of Visualizing and Sharing with TTS Method, One Conference 2013 Seoul, pp.340-343, 2013
  • Nam-Gyu KANG: Consideration on Education Status of Information Design Field at Korean University Vased on Curriculum Analysis, Journal of Digital Interaction Design、Vol.10、No.1、pp.57-67, 2012
  • Tourism Service Design – through Multicultural Collaboration- (ISBN 978-89-964150-5-3), Publishing of Inje-University, 2012 (in Korea)
  • Ryota NIINOMI・Nam-Gyu KANG : Proposal and Evaluation of Photo Browser System to evoke Moving Experience, ISIDC2010, 2010
  • Nam-Gyu Kang: Kansei Design – Creating a new Value by Kansei Quality -, Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Vol.10, No.1, pp.48-50, 2010
  • Nam-Gyu KANG・Reina NAKAYA : Proposal for “Kansei” Library Search System Based on Behavior Analysis, ICBKE2009 (Intenational Multi-conference on Biometerics and Kansei Engineering, pp. 96-99, POLAND, 2009
  • Nam-Gyu Kang & Kohei Takamiya : A construction and Kansei Evaluation of Medical Information system based on Experiences, Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering,Vol.8,No.3,pp.489-498, 2009