Faculty Introduction Ja

SATO, Naoyuki

Vice President, Professor

Message for Students

Finding an essential questions are important in brain science. What is difference between computers and us? What is the essence of communication? What is the internal representation of the world? Why functions are distributed in brain? How the distributed brain functions is integrated into the mind? What is the functional role of neuromodulators in cognition? Is the neuronal synchronization functional? What neuronal mechanisms implement of perception, memory and action? Let’s find the right question and understand the principle of brain function.

Research Contents

Brain can create reasonable behavior in real time in indefinite environment. Such brain function is implemented by autonomous cooperative process in distributed functional module. I am focusing on the synchronization dynamics of neuronal elements that integrate multiple processes in the distributed network. I developed a constructive approach combining computational modeling and brain imaging. Keywords of my interests are Vision, Spatial cognition, Memory, Episodic memory, Neural synchronization, Computational modeling, Theory-experiment combined analysis, Electroencephalogram, Eye movement, Action-perception cycle, Communication, Creativity etc.

Attractive Factors of My Research

Understanding the brain mechanism is essential for understanding humans; Brian forms our activities, such as perception, memory, action, language, communication, etc. There are huge research fields to be investigated. It is possible to choose/ construct the essential approach for uncovering the brain function.


  • Computational model of spatial imaginary (Kiban-S project, Principal investigator: Inui T (Kotyo Univ), 2009-2013).
  • EEG-fMRI simultaneous measurement (RIKEN BSI and Ogawa Lab. in Hamano Life Sci Res Found project,2005-2008)
  • Computational model of hippocampal network (CREST project by Yamaguchi Y (RIKEN BSI), 2001-2004)

Major Books and Papers

  • Sato, N, Mizuhara H (2018) Successful encoding during natural reading is associated with fixation-related potentials and large-scale network deactivation. eNeuro 5(5), ENEURO.0122-18.
  • Sato, N. (2018) Words-in-sequence memory formed by eye movement sequences during reading: A network model based on theta phase coding. Neural Processing Letters 47(3) 1027-1039. 
  • Sato, N (2014) Spatial consistency of neural firing regulates long-range local field potential synchronization: a computational study. Neural Networks, 62: 52-61.