Faculty Introduction Ja

TERAI, Asuka


Message for Students

Getting skills of problem finding, information gathering and its objectification, logical thinking and presentation through conducting research in university is to be and will be being useful for your life.

Research Contents

I study “Creativity”, which happens through conceptual combination from the view point of cognitive science. Especially, I try to elucidate  cognitive mechanism realized in the process of novel meaning emergence in metaphor comprehension.

Attractive Factors of My Research

Human cognitive mechanisms are being studied through various approaches as computational model simulation based on language data, questionnaire survey or psychological experiments including measurement of eye movement or brain activity. It is very exciting to tackle this theme, I think.

Major Books and Papers

  • Asuka Terai, Masanori Nakagawa, Takashi Kusumi, Yasuharu Koike, Koji Jimura. Enhancement of visual attention precedes the emergence of novel metaphor interpretations, Frontiers in Psychology, Jun. 2015.
  • Asuka Terai, Masanori Nakagawa. A corpus-based computational model of metaphor understanding consisting of two processes, Cognitive Systems Research, Vol. 19-20, p. 30-38, Mar. 2012.
  • Asuka Terai, Bin Liu, Masanori Nakagawa. Probabilistic Hierarchical Categorization of Japanese Words, Kazuo Shigemasu, Akinori Okada, Tadashi Imaizumi and Takahiro Hoshino (Eds.) New Trends in Psychometrics, Universal Academic Press, pp. 471-480, Dec. 2008. “