Attractive Factors of My Research
I am developing attractive and adorable autonomous robots based on technology of information science.
I have been studying autonomous robot as a research fellowship for young scientists of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS) since I was a Ph. D. student.
Since 2016, I became an assistant professor(2016-2020) at Kitami Institute of Technology.
Major Books and Papers
S. Yamauchi and K. Suzuki : “Robot Design Method Using 3D Printed Inner Crystal Structure”, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol. 139, No. 9, pp. 1051-1058(2019) (in Japanese)
Sho Yamauchi, Kouki Ogata, Keiji Suzuki, Toshio Kawashima, Development of an Accurate Video Shooting Method Using Multiple Drones Automatically Flying over Onuma Quasi-National Park, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 30(3), pp. 436-442, 2018.