Faculty Introduction Ja



Message for Students

Language has been investigated by linguists, philosophers, psychologists, computer scientists, neuro scientists. The goal is to obtain a better understanding of human cognition. For example, right now you are looking at a bunch of squeegles and somehow transforming them into letters, words, sentences, abstract concepts. Come join us explore what makes it all possible!

Research Contents

I conduct experiments to collect people’s reaction times in order to build models of human cognition.

Attractive Factors of My Research

Forecasting the weather involves understanding the past so that future events can be predicted. Similarly, language research, and the humanities at large, should go beyond explaining what has already been encountered, and strive to understand what was hitherto unimaginable.

Major Books and Papers

  • Miyamoto, E. T. (2016). Working memory fails to explain subject-extraction advantages (and object-extraction advantages) in relative clauses in Japanese.  Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences 18th Annual International Conference (JSLS2016), June 4-5(p. 25-28). University of Tokyo, Komaba.
  • Asahara, M., Ono, H., & Miyamoto, E. T. (2016). Reading time annotation for the ‘Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese’. Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (pp. 684-694).