Research Contents
- Information design methodology: Participatory Design, Scenario Based Design and the interaction design (dialog design)
- Perception design / Future Body Project: Project to design human perception using nonvisual modality, physical environment perception, sound environment perception etc.
- Digital Diagram: Diagram that communicates the information environment
- Research on Collaboration in Three Dimensional Virtual Space: Avatar, Community, Interaction
Attractive Factors of My Research
Designing the future co-creative with various people supported by information technology
Major Books and Papers
- Makoto Okamoto, Possibility of Participatory Design, International Conference on Human Centered Design, 2009.
- Makoto Okamoto, Takanori Komatsu, Kiyohide Ito, Junichi Akita, Tetsuo Ono, FutureBody: Design of Perception Using the Human Body,Proceedings of the 2nd Augmented Human International Conference, 2011.
- Okamoto, Ito, Otsuki, Possibility of creativity support tools and participatory design of visually impaired children, Information Processing Society of Japan, 2016 (presentation award).
- Ito, Okamoto,et al, FutureBody-finger: A novel alternative aid for visually impaired persons, ICCHP2015,
- Akita, Okamoto, et al, Touch at a Distance: Simple Perception Aid Device with User’s Explorer Action, SIGGRAPH ASIA, 2014, BEST DEMO.