Faculty Introduction Ja

SHIRASE, Masaaki


Message for Students

You may feel that mathematics used in cryptography is difficult because it is different from one you have studied at high school or undergraduate course. However, it is not! Please take getting used to new mathematics to implement secure systems.

Research Contents

My research content is information security based on cryptography technology. Cryptography technology is deep and changeable although it may seem to be unspectacular because it is a basic technology. Computational cost of modern cryptographies such as public key cryptographies is generally highly, thus, we have to improve algorithms and implementation method of them. My recent themes are improvement of algorithms for computing elliptic curve and pairing-based cryptographies, hardware implementation, software implementation targeting many-core co-processor in parallel, application of cryptographic technology to digital rights management (DRM) of digital books and experimental trial to break cryptography.

Attractive Factors of My Research

Information security becomes concerned with various fields, number theory including results by Euler and Fermat and elliptic curve theory in mathematics, programming technique based on architecture of CPU, application to practical systems such as network and mobile devise, and study of law. If you research information security, then you meet many miracle and amazing things.


  • Hardware of pairing-based cryptography:When I was a post-doctor, I joined NEDO Project, “Pairing Lite”, whose purpose was to design the first hardware of pairing-based cryptography.
    Implementation of cryptography on tiny CPU:I proposed the Block Comb method to efficiently implement cryptography for tiny CPU mounted on sensor nodes, in which properties of tiny CPU such as type of memory access and non-pipelined organization were taken account.
  • Construction of elliptic curves suitable for pairing : We need special elliptic curves for pairing-based cryptography. I showed some of such elliptic curves were easily constructed.
  • Design of multiplier for cryptography : I proposed how to design many-bit high-performance multiplier which was used for hardware implementation of cryptography.

Major Books and Papers

  • Fagen Li, Masaaki Shirase, et al. : Certificateless hybrid signcryption. Mathematical and Computer Modelling (2013)
  • Takuya Hayashi, Masaaki Shirase, et al. : Solving a 676-bit Discrete logarithm problem in GF(36n). IEICE Transactions (2012)
  • Ryoichi Sasaki, Masaaki Shirase, et al. : Fundamentals of information security, Kyoritsu Shuppan (2011)
  • Universal construction of a 12th degree Extension field for asymmetric pairing. IEICE Transactions (2011)
  • Masaaki Shirase, et al., : Efficient Implementation of pairing-based cryptography on a sensor node. IEICE Transactions (2009)
  • Masaaki Shirase, et al. : Efficient computation of Eta_T pairing over GF(2^4n) with Vandermonde matrix. ETRI Journal (2009)