学長 片桐 恭弘
From March 25 to March 27, 2022, it was found that five students of FUN were infected with COVID-19. As a result of the investigation, on March 22, which was two days before the onset of the disease, they attended the graduation ceremony. However, we all took prevention measures by placing each seat at some distance and wearing masks during the ceremony. Also, one of them came to campus on March 25, however, we confirmed that the student wore a mask; we confirmed that the student’s movement to identify persons whom the student met, etc. After that, it was confirmed that the people related to FUN, who were in contact with them two days before the onsets, tested negative by PCR tests. Therefore, the university currently operates as usual.
We will continue our effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in cooperation with the Public Health Center, etc.
We would like to ask for understanding and consideration regarding respect for the human rights of the student and the student’s family members, etc., and also the protection of the student’s personal information.
President of Future University Hakodate