
本学における新型コロナウイルス感染者の発生について/The Outbreak of COVID-19 at FUN




学長 片桐 恭弘


On Tuesday, July 12, 2022, one of our students reported that the student was infected with COVID-19 on July 1. Following a request from the Public Health Center, the student was self-quarantined at home until July 11. We have confirmed that none of our students, faculty or staff had any close contacts with the student. Therefore, the university has taken necessary infection control measures and is continuing its normal operations.

We will ensure that all members promptly report to the university when a member becomes infected and we will continue our effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in cooperation with the Public Health Center, etc.

We would like to ask for understanding and consideration regarding respect for the human rights of the student and the student’s family members, and also the protection of the student’s personal information.

President of Future University Hakodate