
博士(後期)課程3年のTiam-LeeさんがICCE2019 Best Student Paper award Nominee選定

本学博士(後期)課程3年のThomas James Tiam-Leeさんと角薫教授(情報アーキテクチャ学科)の論文が、国際会議The 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2019)にてBest Student Paper award Nomineeに選定されました(2019年12月6日)。

International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE)は、コンピュータと教育の分野のカンファレンス(国際会議)です。ICCE2019は台湾の墾丁(ケンティン)にて12月2日から6日までの日程で行われました。フルペーパーの採択率が22.54%であり、学生が筆頭著者の6つの論文がBest Student Paper award Nomineeとなりました。



【ICCE2019 Best Student Paper award Nominee】

・Thomas James Z. Tiam-Lee and Kaoru Sumi: Classification of Emotions in Programming from Face and Log Features Using Representative Intervals, Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2019, pp.24-33, (2019.12).


This paper discusses a machine learning approach for classifying student emotions while doing programming exercises. Detection of academic emotions in programming from face features has previously been shown to be a difficult task because people don’t tend to display as much expression as compared to more social activities. In our approach, we show that adding log features in addition to face features can improve the performance of classifiers. Furthermore, we show that identifying representative intervals of each emotion type based on human annotations can be used to build models to classify emotion over longer periods of time. We believe that our study can contribute in the development of better intelligent programming tutors that can respond to the affective state of students.