本学博士(後期)課程3年のThomas James Tiam-Leeさんと角薫教授の論文が、国際会議Intelligent Tutoring Systems(ITS2019)にてBest Full Paper Awardを受賞しました(2019年6月9日)。
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System(ITS)は、人工知能と教育の分野のAランクのトップコンファレンス(国際会議)です。
【ITS2019 Best Full Paper Ward】
・Thomas James Z. Tiam-Lee and Kaoru Sumi: Analysis and Prediction of Student Emotions While Doing Programming Exercises, International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Volume 11528 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.24-33, (2019.6).
The modeling of student emotions has recently considerable interest in the field of intelligent tutoring systems. However, most approaches are applied in typical interaction models characterized by frequent communication or dialogue between the student and the tutoring model. In this paper, we analyze emotions while students are writing computer programs without any human or agent communication to induce displays of affect. We use a combination of features derived from typing logs, compilation logs, and a video of the students’ face while solving coding exercises and determine how they can be used to predict affect. We find that combining pose-based, face-based, and log-based features can train models that predict affect with good accuracy above chance levels and that certain features are discriminative in this task.