教員紹介 En


JIANG, Xiaohong






ネットワークサービス(例えばインターネット)は、今や我々の日常生活の非常に重要な一要素になってきております。インターネットは、基本的なWEBアクセスサービスに加え、従来のテレフォンネットワーク、モバイルネットワーク、ケーブルビデオネットワークなどのサービスも提供することが期待されております。様々なサービス(インターネットアクセス、音声、ビデオ、TVなど)を保証された品質で提供し、ユーザがいつでも、どこでも希望するサービスを受けられるようにするために、我々は光通信技術と無線通信技術の両方に 基づいた先端ネットワーク技術を研究しております。そのためには、いくつかの重要なネットワーク問題を研究する必要があります。 








Dr. Jiang’s research interests include computer communications networks, mainly wireless networks and optical networks, interconnection networks for massive parallel computing systems, routers/switches design for high performance networks, network coding for wireless networks, VoIP over wireless networks, network security, VLSI/WSI systems, etc. He has established the long last cooperation with top researchers in USA, Italy, Canada and China. He has supervised 5 post doctoral fellows and 25 PhD students from Japan, China, Egypt, Vietnam, Iran, etc. He has over 11 grants including Japan/USA NSF grant, Japan NSF grant and Japan JST grant, and has published over 250 technical papers at premium international journals and conferences, which include over 40 papers published in top IEEE journals and top IEEE conferences, like IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE INFOCOM. Dr. Jiang was the winner of the Best Paper Award and Outstanding Paper Award of IEEE HPCC 2014, IEEE WCNC 2012, IEEE WCNC 2008, IEEE ICC 2005-Optical Networking Symposium, and IEEE/IEICE HPSR 2002. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a Member of ACM and IEICE.


  • Bin Yang, Yin Chen, Ying Cai and Xiaohong Jiang, Packet Delivery Ratio/Cost in MANETs with Erasure Coding and Packet Replication, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.64, no.5, pp.2062-2070, May 2015.
  • Bin Wu, Shu Fu, Xiaohong Jiang and Hong Wen, Joint Scheduling and Routing for QoS Guaranteed Packet Transmission in Energy Efficient Reconfigurable WDM Mesh Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.32, no.8, pp.1533 – 1541, Aug.2014.
  • Kaikai Chi, Yihua Zhu, Xiaohong Jiang and Victor C.M. Leung, Energy-Efficient Prefix-Free Codes for Wireless Nano-Sensor Networks Using OOK Modulation, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.13 , no.5, pp.2670-2682, May.2014.
  • J.Xiao, B.Wu, X.Jiang, P.H.Ho, H.Wen and L.Zhang, Joint Design on DCN Placement and Survivable Cloud Service Provision over All-Optical Mesh Networks, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 235 – 245, Jan.2014.
  • Jiajia Liu, Xiaohong Jiang, Hiroki Nishiyama, Ryu Miura, Nei Kato, Throughput Capacity of MANETs with Power Control and Packet Redundancy, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications , vol.12, no.6, pp.3035-3047,June 2013
  • Xiaoliang Wang, Xiaohong Jiang, Achille Pattavina and Susumu Horiguchi, Constructing N-to-N Shared Optical Queue with Switched Delay Lines, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 3836- 3842, June 2012.
  • X.Wang, Xiaohong Jiang, Achille Pattavina, Efficient Designs of Optical LIFO Buffer with Switches and Fiber Delay Lines, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.59, no.12, pp.3430 – 3439, Dec.2011.
  • Xiaohong Jiang, Achille Pattavina and Susumu Horiguchi, Strictly Nonblocking f-cast Photonic Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol.16, no.3, pp.732-745, June 2008.
  • Xiaohong Jiang, Hong Shen, M.M.R. Khandker and Susumu Horiguchi, Blocking Behaviors of Crosstalk-free Optical Banyan Networks on Vertical Stacking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol.11/6 (2003) 982-993.
  • Jianming Liu, Xiaohong Jiang and Susumu Horiguchi, Opportunistic Link Overbooking for Resource Efficiency under Per-flow Service Guarantee, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Pages: 1769-1781, vol.58 , no.6, June 2010.
  • Xiaoliang Wang, Xiaohong Jiang, Achille Pattavina and Susumu Horiguchi, A Construction of 1-to-2 Shared Optical Buffer Queue with Switched Delay Lines,IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.57,no.12,pp.3712 – 3723, Dec.2009
  • Shawish Ahmed, Xiaohong Jiang and Susumu Horiguchi, Wireless Access Point Voice Capacity Analysis and Enhancement Based on Clients Spatial Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.58, no.5, pp. 2597-2603, June 2009.
  • Xiaohong Jiang, Achille Pattavina and Susumu Horiguchi, Rearrangeable f-cast Multi-log2N Networks, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.56, no.11, Nov.2008, pp.1929-1938.
  • Jianming Liu,Xiaohong Jiang and Susumu Horiguchi,Recursive Formula for the Moments of Queue Length in the M/M/1 Queue, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 12, no.9, Sept.2008,pp.690-692.
  • Wen, Hong; Ho, Pin-Han; Jiang, Xiaohong, On Achieving Unconditional Secure Communications over Binary Symmetric Channels (BSC), IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, pp. 49 – 52,April 2012.
  • Kaikai Chi, Xiaohong Jiang, Susumu Horiguchi and Minyi Guo, Topology Design of Network Coding-Based Multicast Networks,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,vol.19, no.5, pp. 627-640, May 2008.
  • M.M.A. Azim, Xiaohong Jiang, Susumu Horiguchi and Minyi Guo, Restoration Probability Modeling for Active Restoration-Based Optical Networks with Correlation Among Backup Routes, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,vol.18, no.11, pp. 1592-1606, Nov.2007.
  • Chen Yu, Xiaohong Jiang, Susumu Horiguchi and Minyi Guo, Overall Blocking Behavior Analysis of General Banyan-based Optical Switching Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol.17, no.9, (Sept.2006) 1037-1047.
  • Xiaohong Jiang, Pin-Han Ho and Susumu Horiguchi, Performance Modeling of All-Optical Photonic Switches Based on the Vertical Stacking of Banyan Network structures, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications, vol.23/8, (Aug.2005) 1620-1631.
  • Xiaohong Jiang and Susumu Horiguchi,Statistical Skew Modeling for General Clock Distribution Networks in Presence of Process Variations,IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, vol.9/5 (2001) 704-717.