教員紹介 En




The innovative research seeks imaginative individuals who wish to contribute to the positive disruption of educational experiences.

Research content

公立はこだて未来大学 情報アーキテクチャ学科 教授。イギリス、シンガポール、マレーシア、日本において、高等教育機関、学校、メディア会社と連携し、25年以上にわたり科学技術の実装、研究、コンサルティングに従事。学習者中心の設計、破壊的デジタル実装、変容的教育、多様な研究領域におけるフューチャーズ・コミュニケーションを専門とする。学際的教育の本質に焦点を置き、仮想現実、ロボット工学、バイオデータ、モバイル機器などに関する数々の研究プロジェクトにおいて研究責任者を務める

Michael Vallance has been involved in technology implementations, research and consultancy for over 25 years, working closely with Higher Education Institutes, schools and media companies in the UK, Singapore, Malaysia and Japan. He has experience and expertise in design thinking, disruptive digital implementations, transformative pedagogies, and futures communication in multiple disciplines. He is the Principal Investigator on a number of research projects involving virtual reality, robotics, physiological data and mobile devices, emphasizing the essentiality of an inter-disciplinary education.


Attractiveness of research

Joichi Ito, former Director of the MIT Media Lab, suggests that the way ahead in education is to support endeavors where learning processes and peer collaborations are valued above end products and exam scores. It is termed ANTIDISCIPLINARY where projects, peers, passion and play merge. The projects in the iVERG lab are constructed on this principle so that research can inform 21st century education.


A disaster simulation has been designed in Unity 3D and viewed via the OCULUS RIFT. Declarative, procedural and meta-cognitive knowledge are being researched.


Connecting real-world sensors for data observation in a virtual solar power plant. Our research is concerned with the efficacy of remote maintenance and collaboration, supported by intra- and inter-cognitive communication.


The TKF model is used for task designs: Tsukutte つくて (Create) – Katatte かたって (Share) – Furikaeru ふりかえる(Reflect). Meta-Learning and Computational Thinking are being researched.


  • Research funding from Science Connect, UK Prime Minister’s Initiative 2 (PMI2), JSPS KAKENHI, JST, DAIWA and Future University Hakodate.
  • In 2012 Michael Vallance was awarded second place in the GameTech Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge by the USA Department of Defense (DoD), Orlando, Florida.
  • About the Communication III + IV courses at Future University Hakodate

Major works / papers

Books, Book Chapters, Refereed Journals & Refereed Conference Proceedings


  • Vallance, M. and Towndrow, P.A. (2022). Perspective: Narrative Storyliving in Virtual Reality Design. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 3:779148. doi: 10.3389/frvir.2022.779148
  • ヴァランス, マイケル. & トウンドロー, フィリップ (2022). 分野を超えた計算論的思考の教育, 中島秀之、平田圭二 (Eds.), 計算論的思考ってなに?―コンピュータサイエンティストのように考える, FUN Press
  • Vallance, M. (2022). Reflecting on research: a virtual GLAM proposal, In Dengel, A,. Bourguet, M.L., Pedrosa, D., Hutson, J., Erenli, K., Economou, D., Pena-Rios, A. and Richter, J. (Eds), Proceedings of 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), May 30 – June 4, 2022, University of Applied Sciences BFI, Vienna, pp. 45-50. ISBN 978-1-7348995-2-8/22 (BEST ACADEMIC FULL PAPER: RUNNER-UP).


  • Rivers, D.J., Vallance, M. and Nakamura, M. (2021). Metacognitive Knowledge and the Self as Socially Distanced Online Learner: A Virtual Reality Assisted Analysis of Academic Self-Concept, Journal of Educational Technology System. https://doi.org/10.1177/0047239521999779
  • Rivers, D. J., Nakamura, M. and Vallance, M. (2021). Online Self-Regulated Learning and Achievement in the Era of Change, Journal of Educational Computing Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/07356331211025108
  • Vallance, M. (2021). Didactical Design for Virtual Reality Education. In Proceedings of IEEE TALE2021 – An International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education, December 5–8, 2021, Wuhan, China. doi: 10.1109/TALE52509.2021.9678772

2020 MASTERS thesis supervision

  • Magaki, Takurou (2020). Forecasting the Onset of Cybersickness using Physiological Data, (English) Available at http://hdl.handle.net/10445/8811


  • Vallance, M. & Towndrow, P. A. (2020). Computational thinking and interdisciplinary learning: time to focus on pedagogy, Int. J. Learning Technology, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2020, pp. 180 – 200. DOI: 10.1504/IJLT.2020.109573
  • Magaki, T. & Vallance, M. (2020). Seeking Accessible Physiological Metrics to Detect Cybersickness in VR, International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality (IJVAR) Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1 – 18. DOI: 10.4018/IJVAR.2020010101
  • Vallance, M. (2020). Inter-cognitive and intra-cognitive communication in Virtual Reality, Educators in VR International Summit, 17 – 22 February, 2020. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23486.84803
  • Vallance, M., Magaki, T. & Kurashige, Y. (2020). Determining the Efficacy of Virtual Reality through Experientiality and Biometrics, In Proceedings of 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2020), June 21-25, 2020 Online, pp. 344 – 347. ISBN 978-1-7348995
  • Vallance, M., Magaki, T. & Kurashige, Y. (2020). Development of a Virtual Environment for Extrasomatic Communication, In Proceedings of IEEE TALE2020 – An International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education, December 8–11, 2020 Online, pp. 15-18.


  • Thomas, M., Can, T. & Vallance, M. (Eds.). (2019). Impact – Educational Cases, The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, Volume 12, No. 2, Sept. 2019. 
  • Vallance, M. Magaki, T. Kurashige, Y & Johnson, L. (2019). SolarVR for inter-cognitive and intra-cognitive communication. In Proceedings of VRST ’19: 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST ’19), November 12-15, 2019, Parramatta, NSW, Australia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3359996.3364702
  • Magaki, T & Vallance, M. (2019). Real-time Monitoring Method for Cybersickness using Physiological Signals. In Proceedings of VRST ’19: 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST ’19), November 12-15, 2019, Parramatta, NSW, Australia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3359996.3364700
  • Kurashige, Y. & Vallance, M. (2019). Proposing a Hand-Tracking Device using a Tangential Force Mechanical Sensor. In Proceedings of VRST ’19: 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST ’19), November 12-15, 2019, Parramatta, NSW, Australia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3359996.3364701
  • Magaki, T. & Vallance, M. (2019). Cybersicknessのリアルタイム予測 (Real-time Forecasting of Cybersickness). The 24th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan. The University of Tokyo, 11 – 13 Sept., 2019. Paper 4C-02 available at http://conference.vrsj.org/ac2019/program/index-e.html
  • Kurashige, Y. & Vallance, M. (2019). Proposing a Hand-Tracking Device using a Tangential Force Mechanical Sensor. The 24th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan. The University of Tokyo, 11 – 13 Sept., 2019. Paper 5C-03 available at http://conference.vrsj.org/ac2019/program/index-e.html
  • Magaki, T. & Vallance, M. (2019). Developing an accessible evaluation method of VR cybersickness. Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, IEEE VR 2019 Posters, March 23-27, Osaka, Japan. 
  • Vallance, M., Kurashige, Y. & Magaki, T. (2019). Creative learning in VR: an antidisciplinary approach. Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, IEEE VR 2019 Videos, March 23-27, Osaka, Japan. 


  • Sasaki, T. & Vallance, M. (2018). On being lost: Evaluating Spatial Recognition in a Virtual Environment, International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality (IJVAR), Vol 2 (2). pp. 38 – 58. doi: 10.4018/IJVAR.2018070103
  • Magaki, T. & Vallance, M. (2018). Measuring Reduction Methods for VR Sickness in Virtual Environments, Virtual Environments. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPLE), Vol. 7 (2). pp. 27-43. doi: 10.4018/IJVPLE.2017070103
  • Vallance, M. (2018). Create-and-Learn: Education “in” a Synthetic Learning Environment. In Y. Qian (Ed.), Integrating Multi-User Virtual Environments in Modern Classrooms. IGI Global: Hershey, USA. pp. 280-298. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3719-9.ch013
  • Vallance, M., Kurashige, Y. & Magaki, T. (2018). Fukushima Nuclear Plant as a Synthetic Learning Environment. SIGGRAPH Asia, SA ’18 Posters, December 04-07, 2018, Tokyo, Japan ACM 978-1-4503-6063-0/18/12. doi: 10.1145/3283289.3283292.
  • Vallance, M., Magaki, T. & Sasaki, T. (2018). Inter-cognitive communication for immersive virtual education: four robot solutions. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp. 1591-1597). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 12, 2018 from https://academicexperts.org/conf/edmedia/2018/papers/53178/
  • Vallance, M. & Towndrow, P.A. (2018). Mapping Computational Thinking for a Transformative Pedagogy. In Myint Swe Khine (Ed.), Computational Thinking in the STEM Disciplines. Foundations and Research Highlights. Springer: Switzerland. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93566-9.
  • Vallance, M. (2018). Create-and-Learn: Education ‘in’ a Synthetic Learning Environment. In Y. Qian (Ed.), Integrating Multi-User Virtual Environments in Modern Classrooms. IGI Global: Hershey, USA. pp. 280-298. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3719-9.ch013


  • Vallance, M. (2017). Bridging Transboundary Spaces through Making. In K. Lim (Ed.) Landscapes of Participatory Making, Modding and Hacking: Maker Culture and Makerspaces, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Cambridge, UK. pp. 35-54. ISBN: 978-1-4438-5066-7 
  • Vallance M., Sannomiya Y. & Nelson M.E. (2017) Mapping Curricular Ecologies. In Uden L., Liberona D., Liu Y. (eds) Learning Technology for Education Challenges. LTEC 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Vol. 734, pp. 159-170. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62743-4_14 
  • Vallance, M., Kurashige, Y., Sasaki, T. & Magaki, T. (2017). Development of a Synthetic Learning Environment in the Antidisciplinary Space. In Proceedings of The 11th European Conference on Game-Based Learning ECGBL 2017, The FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Science, Graz, Austria, 4 – 6 October, 2017. pp. 705 – 714. ISBN: 978-1-911218-57-9
  • Vallance, M., Kurashige, Y., Sasaki, T. & Magaki, T. (2017). Who needs experts? Students designing a Synthetic Learning Environment of the Fukushima nuclear power plant. In J. Johnston (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia 2017 (pp. 1223-1228). Washington, DC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved August 16, 2017 from https://www.learntechlib.org/p/178440/
  • Vallance M., Sannomiya Y. & Nelson M.E. (2017) Mapping Curricular Ecologies. In Uden L., Liberona D., Liu Y. (eds) Learning Technology for Education Challenges. LTEC 2017. Beijing, China, August 12-24, 2017, Springer, Vol. 734, pp. 159-170
  • Vallance, M. (2017). Researching Declarative, Procedural, and Meta-Cognitive Knowledge through Active Learning in Disaster-Themed 3D Virtual Worlds. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education, Volume 1, Issue 1 2017. DOI: 10.1615/IntJInnovOnlineEdu.v1.i1.130 


  • Vallance M. (2016) Establishing Meta-Learning Metrics When Programming Mindstorms EV3 Robots. In Uden L., Liberona D., Feldmann B. (eds) Learning Technology for Education in Cloud – The Changing Face of Education. LTEC 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Vol 620, pp. 274-288. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-42147-6_23 
  • Vallance, M. & Towndrow, P.A. (2016). Pedagogic transformation, student-directed design and computational thinking. Pedagogies: An International Journal. Volume 11, Number 3, Jul-Sep 2016. pp. 218 – 234. DOI: 10.1080/1554480X.2016.1182437. 
  • Vallance, M. (2016). Researching Declarative, Procedural, and Meta-Cognitive Knowledge through Active Learning in Disaster-Themed 3D Virtual Worlds. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education, Volume 1, Issue 1 2016.
  • Vallance, M. (2016). Establishing Meta-Learning Metrics When Programming Mindstorms EV3 Robots. Learning Technology for Education in Cloud – The Changing Face of Education. 5th International Workshop, LTEC 2016, Hagen, Germany, July 25-28, 2016, Proceedings. pp. 274 – 288. 


  • Vallance M., Ibayashi K. & Goto Y. (2015) Engineering Active Learning in 3D Virtual Worlds. In Uden L., Liberona D., Welzer T. (eds) Learning Technology for Education in Cloud. LTEC 2015. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Vol 533, pp. 114-123. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-22629-3_22 
  • Vallance, M., Martin, S. and Naamani, C. (2015). A situation that we had never imagined: post-Fukushima virtual collaborations for determining robot task metrics. International Journal of Learning Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.30–49. 
  • Vallance, M. & Goto, Y. (2015). Learning by TKF to promote computational participation in Japanese education. In Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning and 43rd International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy. World Engineering Education Forum. 20-24 September 2015, Florence, Italy. ISBN 978-1-4799-8706-1/15 
  • Vallance, M. & Ibayashi, K. (2015). Post-Fukushima 3D Virtual Collaboration and Communication for Active Learning. In Proceedings of 5th European Immersive Education Summit (EiED 2015). 9-10 September 2015, Paris, France. pp. 90-102. .
  • Vallance, M., Ibayashi, K. and Goto, Y. (2015). Engineering Active Learning in 3D Virtual Worlds. Learning Technology for Education in Cloud, Communications in Computer and Information Science Vol. 533, pp 268-282. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-22629-3_22. 
  • Wallace, P. & Vallance, M. (2015) Global Virtual Team Collaboration Utilizing a 3D Virtual Environment. In Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom, IAFOR, Kobe, April 30 – May 3, 2015.


  • Vallance, M. (2014). 3D Media Architecture Communication with SketchUp to Support Design for Learning. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition. IGI Global: Hershey, USA. pp. 2410 – 2423. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5888-2.ch234 
  • Vallance, M. Naamani, C., & Thomas, M. (2014). Task fidelity for robot-mediated interaction in 3D worlds. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, HRI’14, March 3-6, 2014, Bielefeld, Germany. ISBN 978-1-4503-2658-2. pp. 306 – 307. doi 10.1145/2559636.2559794

  • Vallance, M., Murayama, H. & Sperling, D. (2014). A multi-disciplinary approach developing a mobile Curriculum Mapping App called iFUN. Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology, Volume 16, Number 1, January 2014, pp. 10-13.
  • Schmidt,S., Vallance, M., Cockshut, L., Lim, K., d’Ovidio, M. & Colleoni, E. (2014). Geographies of making: the jazz of participatory fabrication, improvisation and hackerspaces. The Royal Geographic Society international conference, Imperial College London, August 27 – 29, 2014. 


  • Vallance, M. & Naamani, C. (2013). Experiential Learning, Virtual Collaboration and Robots. In P. Jerry, N. Tavares-Jones and S. Gregory (Eds.). Riding the Hype Cycle: The Resurgence of Virtual Worlds. Inter-Disciplinary Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 978-1-84888-234-8. 
  • Vallance, M., Naamani, C., Thomas, M. & Thomas, J. (2013). Applied Information Science Research in a Virtual World Simulation to Support Robot Mediated Interaction Following the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering (CISME). Vol. 3 Issue 5, pp. 222-232. 
  • Vallance, M., Yamamoto, T., Goto, Y. & Ibayashi, K. (2013). Task Fidelity: a new metric for measuring task complexity involving robots. Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology, IEEE Computer Society. Vol. 15, Issue 4, October 2013, pp. 22-25. Available online.
  • Naamani, C. & Vallance, M. (2013). Avatars, LEGO Robots and Immersive Learning: a case study exploring the development of learners’ programming and cognitive skills using LEGO robots in an international collaborative learning environment. Advancing Education Journal, NAACE, University of Nottingham, UK. Autumn 2013. 
  • Vallance, M. (2013). Virtual World simulations to support Robot-Mediated Interaction. Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education 2013: Beyond the Stage. Rockcliffe University Consortium, USA. 24 – 27 July, 2013. Invited Keynote speaker. Available online. VWBPE website. Download slides from Slideshare. Distinguished Award.

  • Vallance, M. (2013). Cases on Higher Education Spaces: Innovation, Collaboration, and Technology. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 3(2), pp. 96-98, April-June 2013. DOI 10.4018/ijopcd.2013040106
  • Vallance, M. & Naamani, C. (2013). Experiential learning, virtual collaboration and robots. In Proceedings of 3rd Global conference on Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds, March 7-9, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.2-18. 
  • Vallance, M. (2013). The Affect of Collaboratively Programming Robots in a 3D Virtual Simulation. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, HRI’13, March 3-6, 2013, Tokyo, Japan. ISBN 978-1-4673-3100-5. pp.245-246. 
  • Towndrow, P.A. & Vallance, M. (2013). Making the Right Decisions: Leadership in 1-to-1 Computing in Education. International Journal of Educational Management. Vol. 24, Issue 3. pp. 260-272.


  • Vallance, M. (2012). Design and robots for learning in virtual worlds. In B. Khan (Ed.). User Interface Design for Virtual Environments: Challenges and Advances. McWeadon Education, USA. pp.268-284. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-516-8, ISBN13: 9781613505168. 
  • Vallance, M & Martin, S. (2012). Assessment and Learning in the Virtual World: Tasks, Taxonomies and Teaching For Real. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research Vol. 5, No. 2. Asian Perspectives. pp. 1-13. Available online. #Awarded Research Paper of the Week at Distance-Educator. 

  • Schaik, P. van, Martin, S. & Vallance, M. (2012).†Measuring†flow experience in an immersive virtual environment for collaborative learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. Vol 28, Issue 4, pp. 350-365. DOI:†10.1111/j.1365-2729.2011.00455.x 

  • Vallance, M. (2012). Telerobotic Communication and Japan Recovery in Virtual Spaces. Oregon Immersive Education Days 2012 conference. University of Oregon, USA. 18-20 October, 2012.  

  • Vallance, M. & Field, M. (2012). Telerobotic programming for communication and learning. Australian Computers in Education Conference (ACEC). Perth, Australia. 2-5 October, 2012. 
  • Vallance, M. (2012). Collaboratively programming robots in virtual spaces to support Japan Recovery. Gametech: United States Army Federal Virtual Worlds Conference, Orlando, USA. 28-30 March, 2012. 
# Awarded Second prize in the Distributed Learning category. Available online.
  • Vallance, M. (2012). Google SketchUp for Media Architecture Communication. IEEE Computer Society Learning Technology. Vol. 14, Issue 3, July 2012, pp. 19-24. 
  • Vallance, M. (2012). Your Mission is to Collaboratively Program a LEGO Robot via a Virtual World. In Proceedings of Global TIME 2012, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education ( AACE), pp. 11-17. 
  • Vallance, M and Martin, S. (2012). Collaborative Learning, Cognitive Processes, Telerobotic Communication and Japan Recovery in Virtual Spaces. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference. Theoretical & Research Papers track. Rockcliffe University Consortium, USA. pp. 74 – 86. 


  • Vallance, M. (2011). Robots and virtual worlds to support ‘Japan Recovery’: an emphasis on cognition. IEEE Computer Society Learning Technology. Vol. 13, Issue 4, October 2011, pp. 7-10.
  • Vallance, M. & Numata, H. (2011) Beyond potential: a two-year study of iPod use in a Japanese university. International Journal of Learning Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.324–340. DOI: 10.1504/IJLT.2011.044627. 
  • Vallance, M. & Homma, T. (2011). Augmented education in the futures university. In Proceedings of 2011 e-CASE & e-Tech International Conference (pp. 2511-2526). January 18-20, 2011,Tokyo, Japan. ISSN 2074-5710. Presentation & full paper available online. 
# Invited to present at the National Institute of Education, NTU, Singapore. March 16, 2011. Presentation on Slideshare. 

  • Vallance, M. & Martin, S. (2011). Dynamic visualization of data for more knowledgeable interpretations. In Proceedings of the Second International Virtual Environments Research Group (iVERG) conference. Virtual implementations: Real outcomes. Teesside University, UK. (pp.1-10). ISBN: 978-0-9569041-1-9. 


  • Vallance, M. & Wright, D.L. (2010). Japanese Students’ Digitally Enabled Futures Images: A Synergistic Approach to Developing Academic Competencies. In S. Mukerji & P. Tripathi (Eds.). Cases on Technological Adaptability and Transnational Learning: Issues and Challenges. IGI Global: Hershey, USA. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-779-4.ch009 
  • Vallance, M. & Wright, D.L. (2010). The Futures Studies Toolbox and iPod Touch: Digitally Enabled Futures Images for the Japanese University 2020 Project. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 5. pp. 261-274. Common Ground Publishing: USA. Available online.
# Presented at the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences conference. Trinity College, Cambridge University, UK. 
  • Vallance, M. & Martin, S. (2010).†A methodology for determining relationships between cognitive processes and the knowledge dimension when implementing tasks in virtual worlds. In Proceedings of the First International Virtual Environments Research Group (iVERG) conference. Immersive technologies for learning: a multi-disciplinary approach. Teesside University, UK. (pp.76-86). ISBN: 978-1-257-01934-2. 
  • Schaik, P. van, Martin, S. Vallance, M. & Wiz, C. (2010).†Measuring†flow experience in an immersive virtual environment for collaborative learning. In Proceedings of the First International Virtual Environments Research Group (iVERG) conference. Immersive technologies for learning: a multi-disciplinary approach. Teesside University, UK. (pp.156-166). ISBN: 978-1-257-01934-2.
  • Martin, S., Vallance, M., Schaik, P. van. & Wiz, C. (2010). Learning spaces, tasks and metrics for effective communication in Second Life within the context of programming LEGO NXT MindstormsTM robots: towards a framework for design and implementation. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research. Volume 3, Number 1: The Researcher’s Toolbox. Nov. 2010.  

  • Vallance, M., Martin, S., Wiz, C. & Schaik, P. van (2010). Designing effective spaces, tasks and metrics for communication in Second Life within the context of programming LEGO NXT Mindstorms™ robots. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments. Vol. 1 (1), pp. 20-37. January – March 2010. DOI: 10.4018/jvple.2010091703. 
  • Vallance, M., Towndrow, P.A. & Wiz, C. (2010). Conditions for successful online document collaboration. Tech Trends: linking research and practice to improve learning. Volume 54, Number 1, Jan/Feb 2010, pp. 20-24. 


  • Vallance, M., Vallance, K., & Matsui, M. (2009). Criteria for the implementation of learning technologies. In M. Thomas (Ed.). Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning. IGI Global: Hershey, USA. pp. 1-19. ISBN 978-1-60566-190-2. Available online. Book available at Barnes & Noble
  • Vallance, M., Martin, S., Wiz, C. & Schaik, P. van (2009). LEGO Mindstorms for informed metrics in virtual worlds. In Proceedings of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) 2009 – People and Computers XXIII (pp. 159-162). Churchill College, Cambridge University, UK. 
  • Vallance, M., Martin, S., Wiz, C. & Schaik, P. van (2009). Mindstorms communication in Second Life. Association of Learning Technology (ALT-C) 2009: in dreams begins responsibility (p.121). University of Manchester, UK. 
  • Towndrow, P. A. & Vallance, M. (2009). Curriculum mapping for pedagogical change? Case studies from Asia. Association of Learning Technology (ALT-C) 2009: in dreams begins responsibility (p.13). University of Manchester, UK.


  • Vallance, M. (2008). Beyond policy: Strategic actions to support ICT integration in Japanese schools. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 24(3), pp. 275-293. 

  • Martin, S. & Vallance, M. (2008). The impact of synchronous inter-networked teacher training in Information and Communication Technology integration. Computers & Education, Volume 51, pp. 34-53.
  • Vallance, M. (2008). Using a database application to support reflective practice. Tech Trends: linking research and practice to improve learning. Volume 52, Number 6, Nov/Dec 2008, pp. 69-74. A
  • Vallance, M. (2008). Hakodate 2017: using futures scenarios for community and communication. Association of Learning Technology (ALT-C) 2008: rethinking the digital divide (p. 80). University of Leeds, UK. 
  • Vallance, M. & Wiz, C. (2008). The Realities of Working in Virtual Worlds. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008, Chesapeake, VA, AACE, pp. 3085-3090. 
  • Field, M., Vallance, M. & Yamamoto, T. (2008). Crossing the Discipline Divide: Building Learning Contexts. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008, Chesapeake, VA, AACE, pp. 84-89. 
  • Vallance, M. & Shibata, Y. (2008). Effective implementation of interactive podcasting for the Web 2.0 generation. The JALT CALL Journal, Volume 4 (1), April 2008. pp. 60-74. Available online.

  • Vallance, M. (2008). Using Google Maps to support futures scenarios. International Society for Technology in Education/ SIGHC Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2008. 
  • Wiz, C. & Vallance, M. (2008). Real world activities in virtual worlds. Modern English Teacher, Volume 17, Number 1. pp. 57-61.


  • Vallance, M. & Towndrow, P.A. (2007). Towards the ‘informed use’ of information and communication technology in education: a response to Adams’ ‘PowerPoint, habits of mind, and classroom culture’ Journal of Curriculum Studies, 2007, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 219-227. 
  • Vallance, M. (2007). An information and communications technology (ICT)-enabled method for collecting and collating information about pre-service teachers’ pedagogical beliefs regarding the integration of ICT, ALT-J, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 51-65. DOI: 10.1080/09687760601129851 
  • Vallance, M. (2007). The challenge of informed use of learning technologies. Wireless Ready: Podcasting Education & Mobile Assisted Language Learning conference. E-Proceedings of the International Symposium. NUCB Graduate School, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, Japan. 24 March, 2007. pp. 33-54. 
  • Vallance, M. (2007). Interactive Digital Stories. International Society for Technology in Education/ SIG. January 2007. 


  • Vallance, M. (2006). The Impact of synchronous inter-networked teacher training in ICT integration. ProQuest: Ann Arbor. UMI 3219782.  ISBN 9781609840808 
  • Vallance, M. (2006). iPod therefore iWrite. IATEFL CALL Review. Winter 2006, pp. 5-8. 
  • Vallance, M. (2006). iWriter 1.2. TLT Wired. November 2006, Vol. 30, Number 11. pp. 26-27. 
  • Vallance, M. (2006). Responsibility without power: reflections of an IT Coordinator in education. Perspectives: policy & practice in Higher Education. Volume 10. Number 4. October 2006. pp. 109-114. ERIC EJ753649. 
  • Vallance, M. (2006). Interactive stories on an iPod. Modern English Teacher, Volume 15, Number 1. pp. 59-63.


  • Vallance, M. (2005). Teaching Digital Literacy Skills. In B. Beaven (Ed). IATEFL 2005 Cardiff Conference Selections. IATEFL: UK. pp.151-153. 
  • Vallance, M. (2005) Teaching Digital Literacy. In K. Bradford-Watts, C. Ikeguchi, & M. Swanson (Eds.) JALT 2004 Conference Proceedings. JALT: Tokyo. ISBN: 4-901352-15-6.

  • Vallance, M. (2005) The challenge of informed use: a unique IT experience for teachers and students from the Peoples’ Republic of China. The Journal of Asia TEFL, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 55-73, Spring 2005. 
  • Vallance, M. (2005). Digital Literacy Skills. In P. F. Kwah & M. Vallance (Eds.). Teaching English to Chinese ESL students: classroom practices. Pearson: Singapore. pp.154-166. Available at Amazon
  • Ellis, M., Wilkinson, M. & Vallance, M. (2005). Project-based Integrated Learning. In P. F. Kwah & M. Vallance (Eds.). Teaching English to Chinese ESL students: classroom practices. Pearson: Singapore. pp.189-196. Available at Amazon
  • Kwah, . F. & Vallance, M. (Eds.) (2005). Teaching English to Chinese ESL students: classroom practices. Longman: Singapore. ISBN 981-244-975-2. Available at Amazon
  • Foong, K. P. & Vallance, M. (2005). Teaching English to Chinese ESL Students: Classroom Practices. Prentice Hall: USA. ISBN-13: 978-9812449757. Available at Amazon
  • Vallance, M. (2005). Digital Literacy Skills. In K. P. Foong, & M. Vallance. Teaching English to Chinese ESL Students: Classroom Practices. Prentice Hall: USA.
  • Ellis, M., Wilkinson, M. & Vallance, M. (2005). Project-based Integrated Learning. In K. P. Foong, & M. Vallance. Teaching English to Chinese ESL Students: Classroom Practices. Prentice Hall: USA.


  • Towndrow, P. A. & Vallance, M. (2004). Using Information Technology in the Language Classroom (3rd edition). Longman: Singapore. ISBN 0-13-127536-4. Available at Amazon
  • Vallance, M. (2004) Blogging. Modern English Teacher, Volume 13, Number 2. pp. 51-54.


  • Vallance, M. (2003) The Use of Computers in English Language Testing. In IT and E-Learning in the Classroom. Teaching and Learning Special Issue. Volume 24, Number 1, June 2003. pp.67-76. Available online.

  • Vallance, M. (2003) ICT Developments in Singapore. BECTA annual research conference, London, UK. Invited international speaker. Available online. 

  • Vallance, M. (2003) Creating ePortfoilios using Hyperstudio. Asia Pacific Conference on Education. National Institute of Education, Singapore. June 2-4, 2003.

  • Towndrow, P. A. & Vallance, M. (2003). English Language and IT. In J. Murphy. Teaching Practice Conversations. Pearson: Singapore. pp.143-146.


  • Vallance, M. (2000) The International Writing Exchange at Temasek Polytechnic: a cybercomposition experience. AUC Conference Proceedings. Woolongong University, Australia. pp.16.1 – 16.5. Available online. 

  • Vallance, M. (2000) Classrooms of Tomorrow. ELIT@CITEL. Temasek Polytechnic: Singapore.


  • Vallance, M. (1999) Teaching with technology to create student-centred classrooms. In G. Cumming, T. Okamoto & L. Gomez (Eds.), Advanced research in computers and communications in education: New human abilities for the networked society. IOS Press: Nederlands. Available online. 

  • Vallance, M. (1999) Teaching with technology to create student-centred classrooms. CALICO. 1-5 June, 1999. Miami University, USA. Available online. Presentation only of above published paper. 


  • Vallance, M. (1998) Design of an Internet activity. MICELT. 18-20 May, 1998. Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Beach Resort Penang, Malaysia.

  • Vallance, M. (1998) The Design and use of an Internet resource for Business English learners. ELT Journal. Volume 52/1 January 1998. pp. 38-43. 


  • Vallance, M. (1998). InfoTech: English for Computer Users. TESL-EJ, Vol.3 No.3, Sept. 1998. 
  • Vallance, M. (1997) The Design and Utilisation of an Internet resource for Business English Learners. Computer Assisted Language Learning. Volume 10, Number 2, 1997, pp. 201-206. Available online (ERIC).

  • Vallance, M. (1997) Internet Aided Language Learning. Digital Creativity (previously Intelligent Tutoring Media). Vol. 7, Issues 3 & 4, January 1997, pp. 137-145. 


  • Doctorate in Education (Ed.D) from Durham University, UK thesis
    Vallance, M. (2006). The Impact of synchronous inter-networked teacher training in ICT integration. ProQuest: Ann Arbor. UMI 3219782.  ISBN 9781609840808 
  • MSc Computer Assisted Learning & TESOL (combined) from University of Stirling, UK dissertation
    Vallance, M. (1995) The Design and Utilisation of an Internet resource for Business English Learners. MSc Dissertation. University of Stirling, UK. Supervisor: John Higgins.

Academic reports

  • Vallance, M. (2015). International collaboration in 3D virtual spaces to advance Computational Thinking. Invited presentation at European Research(er’s) Day, EURAXESS, Delegation of the European Union to Japan, Tokyo. December 11, 2015. 
  • Vallance, M. (2014). Engineering active learning: LEGO robots and 3D virtual worlds. Invited presentation at Kanda University of International Studies, Tokyo, Japan. November 13-14, 2014. 
  • Lim, Y.T., Young, H.C. & Vallance , M. (2012). Co-editors of Journal of Virtual Worlds Research Vol. 5, No. 2. Asian Perspectives/ Sept. 2012. 
  • Vallance, M. (2010). Conference Reports: Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Churchill College, Cambridge University, 2009, 1 – 5 Sept. & International conference of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT), Manchester University, 2009, 8 – 10 Sept. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments. Vol. 1 (2), pp. 70-72. April – June 2010. DOI: 10.4018/jvple.2010040107 
  • Vallance, M. (2010). So much fuss about technology. Shortlisted BLOG for The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) UK competition ‘technology at the heart of education and research’. 
  • Vallance, M., Martin, S., Wiz, C. & van Schaik, P. (2009). LEGO Mindstorms for informed metrics in virtual worlds. Open Festival of Interactive Technology at Microsoft Research Lab, Cambridge. Organised by Human Computer Interaction (HCI) – People and Computers XXIII conference, Churchill College, Cambridge University, UK. 
  • Vallance, M., Martin, S., Wiz, C. & van Schaik, P. (2009). Processes, outcomes and metrics for assessing synchronous and asynchronous collaboration in Virtual Worlds: a summary of Phase 1. Report for PMI Sustainable Research Networks Workshop, Tokyo University. June 26 & 27, 2009. 

  • Vallance, M. & Towndrow, P.A. (2009). Can curriculum mapping facilitate change? Two case studies from Asia.
  • Vallance, M. (2009). Science education in the virtual world. EURAXESS links Japan. January 2009. 


  • Vallance, M. (December, 2017). Creativity: an international project for learning. Invited talk at LaSalle Hakodate High School.
  • Vallance, M. (October, 2017). Interdisciplinary Computational Thinking. Public talks by Future University academics on the topic of Computational Thinking.

Funded research

  • April 2022 – March 2025 (3 years) The Proteus Effect in Engineering Virtual Reality.
    JSPS KAKENHI Scientific research category General C (Principal Investigator)
    Awarded by: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). No. 22K02949
    Amount: ¥2,470,000 / US$20,000
  • April 2018 – March 2021 (3 years) Engineering virtual reality for real learning.
    JSPS KAKENHI Scientific research category General C (Principal Investigator)
    Awarded by: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). No. 18K02940
    Amount: ¥3,400,000 / US$33,000
  • April 2020 – March 2021 Computational Thinking Efficacy
    PI Vallance, M. with Rivers, D., Nakamura, M..
    Awarded by: Future University special research E02 
    Amount: ¥557,000 / US$5,600
  • April 2020 – March 2021 An Extended 300-item Five-Factor Measure of Personality in Predicting Academic Achievement
    PI Rivers, D. with  Nakamura, M., Vallance, M.
    Awarded by: Future University special research E06 
    Amount: ¥632,000 / US$6,200
  • April 2017 – March 2018 Bridging Transboundary Spaces
    Awarded by: Future University special research B05
    Amount: ¥577,000 / US$5,600
  • April 2016 – March 2017 Learning Atlas iFUN 2
    Awarded by: Future University special research B01
    Amount: ¥320,000 / US$3,000
  • April 2015 – March 2018 (3 years) Engineering active learning in a 3D virtual world
    JSPS KAKENHI Scientific research category General C (Principal Investigator)
    Awarded by: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). No. 15K01080
    Amount: ¥4,720,000 / US$46,000
  • April 2015 – March 2018 (3 years) Building a phased learning support utilizing peer tutoring of university students.
    JSPS KAKENHI Scientific research category B (Co-investigator). PI – Prof. Noyuri Mima
    Awarded by: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). No. 15H02932
    Amount: ¥19,930,000 / US$195,000
  • April 2015 – March 2016 Meta-learning with LEGO EV3 Mindstorms
    Awarded by: Future University special research E01
    Amount: ¥442,000 / US$4,300
  • April 2015 – March 2016 New ERA for virtual collaboration
    Awarded by: Future University special research B03
    Amount: ¥556,000 / US$5,500
  • April 2014 – March 2015 Task Fidelity in Robot-mediated Interactions
    Awarded by: Future University special research B02
    Amount: ¥679,000 / US$6,600
  • April 2014 – March 2015 iFUN curriculum mapping App.
    Awarded by: Future University special research/ E01
    Amount: ¥470,000 / US$4,600
  • April 2013 – March 2014 Robot Mediated Interaction
    Awarded by: Future University special research B02
    Amount: ¥660,000 / US$6,500
  • April 2012 – March 2013 Learning Atlas
    Awarded by: Future University special research/ E01
    Amount: ¥370,000 / US$3,600
  • April 2012 – March 2013 Collaborative Learning, Cognitive Processes and Telerobotic Communication in Virtual Spaces
    Awarded by: Future University special research B06
    Amount: ¥660,000 / US$6,500
  • April 2010 – March 2012 (2 years) Augmented reality for science literacy
    JSPS KAKENHI Exploratory Research (Principal Investigator)
    Awarded by: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). No. 00423781
    Amount: ¥2,700,000 / US$26,500
  • April 2011 – March 2012 Transmedia communication and mobile IT
    Awarded by: Future University special research B04
    Amount: ¥360,000 / US$3,500
  • April 2011 – March 2012 Digital Curriculum Mapping 2
    Awarded by: Future University special research E01
    Amount: ¥328,000 / US$3,200
  • April 2010 – March 2011 Augmented worlds
    Awarded by: Future University special research B01
    Amount: ¥430,000 / US$4,200
  • April 2010 – March 2011 Multimodal science and design narratives on mobile iPads
    Awarded by: Future University special research B02
    Amount: ¥370,000 / US$3,600
  • April 2010 – March 2011 Digital Curriculum Mapping
    Awarded by: Future University special research B04
    Amount: ¥370,000 / US$3,600
  • May 2008 – April 2010 (2 years) Processes, outcomes and metrics for assessing synchronous and asynchronous collaboration in Virtual Worlds. (Principal Investigator)
    Amount: ¥8,200,000 / US$80,500
  • April 2009 – March 2010 Hakodate Podmaps
    Amount: ¥1,086,000 / US$10,600
  • April 2009 – March 2010 The Virtual Institute
    Awarded by: Future University special research B02
    Amount: ¥600,000 / US$5,800
  • April 2009 – March 2010 Curriculum Mapping
    Awarded by: Future University special research E03
    Amount: ¥150,000 / US$1,500
  • April 2008 – March 2009 Beyond iStorm: Mindstorms in Virtual Spaces.
    Awarded by: Future University special research B03
    Amount: ¥666,000 / US$6,600
  • April 2008 – March 2009 Podmaps: creation and delivery of map-based media items
    Awarded by: Future University special research S12
    Amount: ¥540,000 / US$5,300
  • April 2007 – March 2008 Task Design for Web 2.0 Learning Technologies
    Awarded by: Future University special research B22
    Amount: ¥600,000 / US$5,800
  • April 2007 – March 2008 DynEd
    Awarded by: Future University special research B06
    Amount: ¥300,000 / US$3,000
  • April 2007 – March 2008 Are our students digital students?
    Awarded by: Future University special research B23
    Amount: ¥70,000 / US$7,000
  • April 2006 – March 2007 iPod therefore iWrite: Task design for ICT
    Awarded by: Future University special research B07
    Amount: ¥600,000 / US$5,800
  • April 2006 – March 2007 Interactive Whiteboard
    Awarded by: Future University special research F02
    Amount: ¥700,000 / US$7,000

Editorial review boards and conference programme committees

  • Editor-in-Chief. International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality (IJVAR)
  • Joint Chair, Editor. International Virtual Environments Research Group (iVERG)
  • Editorial review board. International Journal of Personal and Virtual Learning Environments (IJPVLE)
  • Editorial review board. International Journal of Learning Technology
  • Editorial review board Journal of Virtual Studies
  • Editorial review board. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • Editorial review board. TechTrends
  • Conference programme committee member of Learning Technology for Education in the Cloud ( LTEC)
  • Conference programme committee member of European Conference on Game-based Learning (ECGBL)
  • Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Newspaper and magazine articles (1998 to 2005)

Over 50 hardware and software reviews, and instruction articles published in The Straits Times, Singapore and The New Straits Times, Malaysia (the national newspapers of the respective countries), Digital Home and CHIP computer and communications magazine.