教員紹介 En

吉田 博則

YOSHIDA, Hironori


詳しいプロジェクトはwww.hy-ma.comから! 壊れた家具や木の枝など一見役に立たないゴミのような物を計算機とデザインの力で生まれ変わらせる研究をしています。


詳しいプロジェクトはwww.hy-ma.comから! このウェブサイトの名前、ハイブリッドマテリアリティは、素材そのものに情報や機能を埋め込み新しい体験を創出する、またはどこにでもある素材やモノのもつ隠れた特徴を抽出し新たな視点を表出させる、といった意味を込めています。我々の生活空間を構成する家具やインテリアといったものはすでに多くが情報化されていますが、その結果果たして心地の良い空間となっているでしょうか?情報で付加価値を与えようとした結果、蛇足となっていないでしょうか?





  1. 計算木工シンポジウムの企画・開催(Feb, 2024)
  2. Keynote Speech at Aalto University Creative Technologies Seminar, Oct, 2022
  3. “Swirled Branches” (作品) , 日本科学技術未来館 永久展示, Hironori Yoshida, Maria Larsson, Takeo Igarashi, 2019
  4. “BranchConnect” (作品), South by Sounth West 展示, Hironori Yoshida and Maria Larsson, 2019
  5. “STIK (Smart Tool Integrated Konstruction)” (著書), Arquitectura Viva SL(査読あり),Obuchi Yusuke, Sugita So, Kiuchi Toshikatsu, Yoshida, Hironori, 2015 マテリアライジング・デコーディング 情報と物質とそのあいだ, millegraph, 2014
  6. “Digitized Grain” (作品), マテリアライジング展, Hironori Yoshida, 2013
  7. “ScanToProduction” (作品), Salone del Mobile 出展, Hironori Yoshida, Giaccomo Cantoni, Pietro Pagriaro, 2013
  8. “Bridging Synthetic and Organic Materiality: Gradient Transitions in Material Connections” (著書), Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts: Scientific Data through Graphics (査読あり), Hironori Yoshida, 2012


  • “Learned Inference of Annual Ring Pattern of Solid Wood”, Maria Larsson, Takashi Ijiri, I-Chao Shen, Hironori Yoshida, Ariel Shamir, and Takeo Igarashi, Journal of Computer Graphics Forum, volume 44, 2024.
  • “A Design and Fabrication Workflow for Upcycling Leftover Fabrics as Mosaic Art”, Musashi Shinjo, Maria Larsson, and Hironori Yoshida, International Conference of Computational Creativity, 2024.
  • “Modeling by Clipped Furniture Parts: Design with Text-Image Model with Stability Understanding”, Hironori Yoshida and Seiji Itoh, ACM IMX, 2024.
  • “Procedural texturing of solid wood with knots.”, ACM Trans. Graph (査読あり), Maria Larsson, Takashi Ijiri, Hironori Yoshida, Johannes A. J. Huber, Magnus Fredriksson, Olof Broman, and Takeo Igarashi, 2022 
  • “Visual Task Progress Estimation with Appearance Invariant Embeddings for Robot Control and Planning”, IEEE IROS (査読あり), Guilherme Maeda, Joni Väätäinen, and Hironori Yoshida, 2020
  • Tsugite: Interactive Design and Fabrication of Wood Joints”, ACM UIST (査読あり), Maria Larsson, Hironori Yoshida, Nobuyuki Umetani, and Takeo Igarashi, 2020
  • “Human-in-the-loop Fabrication of 3D Structures with Natural Tree Branches”, ACM SCF (査読あり), Maria Larsson, Hironori Yoshida, and Takeo Igarashi, 2020
  • “Upcycling Tree Branches as Architectural Elements through Collaborative Design and Fabrication”, ACM TEI (査読あり), Hironori Yoshida, Maria Larsson, and Takeo Igarashi, 2019
  • “Extending Discrete Verbal Commands with Continuous Speech for Flexible Robot Control”, ACM CHI (査読あり), Naoya Yoshimura, Hironori Yoshida, Fabrice Maturic, and Takeo Igarashi, 2019
  • “Improvised Robotic Design with Found Objects”, NeurIPS (査読あり), Azumi Maekawa, Ayaka Kume, Hironori Yoshida, Jun Hatori, Jason Naradowsky, and Shunta Saito, 2018
  • “Autonomous robotic stone stacking with online next best object target pose planning”, IEEE ICRA (査読あり), *Fadri Furrer, *Martin Wermelinger, *Hironori Yoshida (*equally contributed authors), Fabio Gramazio, Mathias Kohler, Roland Siegwart, and Marco Hutter, 2017
  • “Architecture-Scale Human-Assisted Additive Manufacturing”, Hironori Yoshida, Takeo Igarashi, Yusuke Obuchi, Yosuke Takami, Jun Sato, Mika Araki, Masaaki Miki, Kosuke Nagata, Kazuhide Sakai, and Syunsuke Igarashi, Siggraph (査読あり), 2015
  • “Rethinking Prototyping: Scan to Production”, eCAADe (査読あり), Hironori Yoshida and Jessica In, 2013
  • “Bridging Synthetic and Organic Materiality: Graded Transitions in Material Connections”, ACM SIGGRAPH Studio Talk (査読あり), Hironori Yoshida, 2011