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- 計算木工シンポジウムの企画・開催(Feb, 2024)
- Keynote Speech at Aalto University Creative Technologies Seminar, Oct, 2022
- “Swirled Branches” (作品) , 日本科学技術未来館 永久展示, Hironori Yoshida, Maria Larsson, Takeo Igarashi, 2019
- “BranchConnect” (作品), South by Sounth West 展示, Hironori Yoshida and Maria Larsson, 2019
- “STIK (Smart Tool Integrated Konstruction)” (著書), Arquitectura Viva SL(査読あり),Obuchi Yusuke, Sugita So, Kiuchi Toshikatsu, Yoshida, Hironori, 2015 マテリアライジング・デコーディング 情報と物質とそのあいだ, millegraph, 2014
- “Digitized Grain” (作品), マテリアライジング展, Hironori Yoshida, 2013
- “ScanToProduction” (作品), Salone del Mobile 出展, Hironori Yoshida, Giaccomo Cantoni, Pietro Pagriaro, 2013
- “Bridging Synthetic and Organic Materiality: Gradient Transitions in Material Connections” (著書), Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts: Scientific Data through Graphics (査読あり), Hironori Yoshida, 2012
- “Learned Inference of Annual Ring Pattern of Solid Wood”, Maria Larsson, Takashi Ijiri, I-Chao Shen, Hironori Yoshida, Ariel Shamir, and Takeo Igarashi, Journal of Computer Graphics Forum, volume 44, 2024.
- “A Design and Fabrication Workflow for Upcycling Leftover Fabrics as Mosaic Art”, Musashi Shinjo, Maria Larsson, and Hironori Yoshida, International Conference of Computational Creativity, 2024.
- “Modeling by Clipped Furniture Parts: Design with Text-Image Model with Stability Understanding”, Hironori Yoshida and Seiji Itoh, ACM IMX, 2024.
- “Procedural texturing of solid wood with knots.”, ACM Trans. Graph (査読あり), Maria Larsson, Takashi Ijiri, Hironori Yoshida, Johannes A. J. Huber, Magnus Fredriksson, Olof Broman, and Takeo Igarashi, 2022
- “Visual Task Progress Estimation with Appearance Invariant Embeddings for Robot Control and Planning”, IEEE IROS (査読あり), Guilherme Maeda, Joni Väätäinen, and Hironori Yoshida, 2020
- Tsugite: Interactive Design and Fabrication of Wood Joints”, ACM UIST (査読あり), Maria Larsson, Hironori Yoshida, Nobuyuki Umetani, and Takeo Igarashi, 2020
- “Human-in-the-loop Fabrication of 3D Structures with Natural Tree Branches”, ACM SCF (査読あり), Maria Larsson, Hironori Yoshida, and Takeo Igarashi, 2020
- “Upcycling Tree Branches as Architectural Elements through Collaborative Design and Fabrication”, ACM TEI (査読あり), Hironori Yoshida, Maria Larsson, and Takeo Igarashi, 2019
- “Extending Discrete Verbal Commands with Continuous Speech for Flexible Robot Control”, ACM CHI (査読あり), Naoya Yoshimura, Hironori Yoshida, Fabrice Maturic, and Takeo Igarashi, 2019
- “Improvised Robotic Design with Found Objects”, NeurIPS (査読あり), Azumi Maekawa, Ayaka Kume, Hironori Yoshida, Jun Hatori, Jason Naradowsky, and Shunta Saito, 2018
- “Autonomous robotic stone stacking with online next best object target pose planning”, IEEE ICRA (査読あり), *Fadri Furrer, *Martin Wermelinger, *Hironori Yoshida (*equally contributed authors), Fabio Gramazio, Mathias Kohler, Roland Siegwart, and Marco Hutter, 2017
- “Architecture-Scale Human-Assisted Additive Manufacturing”, Hironori Yoshida, Takeo Igarashi, Yusuke Obuchi, Yosuke Takami, Jun Sato, Mika Araki, Masaaki Miki, Kosuke Nagata, Kazuhide Sakai, and Syunsuke Igarashi, Siggraph (査読あり), 2015
- “Rethinking Prototyping: Scan to Production”, eCAADe (査読あり), Hironori Yoshida and Jessica In, 2013
- “Bridging Synthetic and Organic Materiality: Graded Transitions in Material Connections”, ACM SIGGRAPH Studio Talk (査読あり), Hironori Yoshida, 2011