- 陽性者と手の触れることができる距離(約1m以内)で、必要な感染予防策なし(いずれか一方でもマスク着用なし・またはマスクを正しく着用できていない状態)で15分以上の接触があった状態。
- 会話
- 飲食
- 喫煙
- 換気の悪い室内で空間を共有
- 車に同乗
(A)に該当 かつ (B)のうち1つでも該当 の方は「感染の可能性がある方」とします。
教務課 学生・留学担当
電 話 0138-34-6445
E-mail : stu@fun.ac.jp
企画総務課 企画総務担当
電 話 0138-34-6448
E-mail : a-dm@fun.ac.jp
電 話 0138-47-6340
※ 警備員室から担当窓口の各担当に連絡されます。
○ 陽性となった皆様にお願いしたいこと
○ 「知人が陽性」その時どうする?
Hakodate Public Health Center has announced, as emergent measures, that investigation to identify persons who were in close contact with COVID-19 infected people is limited to infected person’s family members living together and (as senior citizens are likely to develop serious symptoms) people who are hospitalized in nursing homes or medical institutes together.
Except for the situations above, the infected persons will inform people who might be infected directly. Judgment of transmission possibility will be made by themselves or the university and we may ask them to take PCR tests, etc. if necessary.
In the period the public health center takes the above measures, a person, who the below items apply to you, might have been infected (as we called “People who got in close contact with an infected person”).
Contact Checklist (Announced on 27 January 2022)
(A) Situation
- There was contact with an infected person: for more than 15 minutes, within one meter, without a mask (both persons or either of persons), or with a mask but improperly.
(B) Details
- Conversation
- Eating and drinking
- Smoking
- Sharing space in the unventilated room
- Riding in the same car
If Item A and more than one of the B items apply to you, you might have been infected.
When the check items apply to you, please contact the sections below by email or phone immediately.
Student affairs section
Phone 0138-34-6445
E-mail : stu@fun.ac.jp
[Faculty / Staff members]
General affairs section
Phone 0138-34-6448
E-mail : a-dm@fun.ac.jp
The service in the administration bureau is not available on Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays, and during at night (5:30 p.m. to 8: 45 am) on weekdays, so please phone the below contact.
[Security guard office]
Phone: 0138-47-6430
*Then, the security guard will contact the staff member in charge.
After receiving the report, we will confirm your health condition, the places you went, etc. And we ask for taking PCR tests, staying at home, or observing health checks (for 10 days).
Please refrain from getting in contact with other people for the designated period, if the university asks to do so.
In addition to the above things, if you or your acquaintance tested positive, refer to the information below.
○ Things that we would like to ask those who tested positive.
○ What to do when your acquaintance tested positive.