本件に関する感染ルートや関係者の行動履歴は確認しており,接触した学生は検査で陰性であることを確認しております。このため,大学では必要な感染対策を講じた上で, 通常業務を継続しております。
学長 片桐 恭弘
From Tuesday, May 10 to Wednesday, May 11, it was found that five of FUN students were infected with COVID-19.
We have confirmed that the routes of transmission and histories of related person’s movements. The students who had contact with those infected were confirmed to be negative by testing. Therefore, the university has taken necessary infection control measures and is continuing its normal operations.
We will continue our effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in cooperation with the Public Health Center, etc.
We would like to ask for understanding and consideration regarding respect for the human rights of the student and the student’s family members, and also the protection of the student’s personal information.
President of Future University Hakodate