学長 片桐 恭弘
To all students,
After the major holidays, some students at the University have tested positive for coronavirus infection. From FY2022, while implementing basic infection prevention measures, we have been emphasizing face-to-face learning and expanding face-to-face classes, and we believe it is important to continue these efforts in the future.
In order to resume not only classes but also club activities, the current standards will be reviewed and the regulations will be relaxed. Details will be announced separately by the respective committees.
I would like to gradually get back into the University campus life. It is possible, of course, that the infection situation will worsen and the restrictions will need to be tightened again, but your efforts to prevent the spread of infection are essential to continue this policy. Please note once again the basic infection prevention measures (avoidance of three-tight spaces, wearing masks, hand sanitization, and indoor ventilation).
Future University Hakodate