

2020年11月に開催された国際会議International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications(NOLTA2020)において、米村祥裕さん(複雑系情報科学領域、指導教員:香取勇一准教授)が、マルチモーダル情報処理の階層的ネットワークモデルに関する下記の発表で最優秀学生論文賞である”Best Student Paper Award”を受賞しました。採択された76の論文のなかから最も優れた論文として選ばれたものです。

“Multi-Modal Processing of Visual and Auditory Signals on Network Model Based on Predictive Coding and Reservoir Computing”(レザバー計算と予測符号化に基づくネットワークによる視覚・聴覚信号のマルチモーダル情報処理)


Multi-Modal Processing of Visual and Auditory Signals on Network Model Based on Predictive Coding and Reservoir Computing

Yoshihiro Yonemura 1, Yuichi Katori 1,2

1: Future University Hakodate, 2: Institute of Industrial Science The University of Tokyo

Abstract – We propose a hierarchical network model based on predictive coding and reservoir computing that integrates multi-modal sensory information. The network is composed of visual, auditory, and integration areas. In each area, the dynamical reservoir acts as a generative model that reproduces the time-varying sensory signal. The states of the visual and auditory reservoir are spatially compressed and are sent to the integration area. The model is

trained with a dataset of time courses, including a pair of visual (hand-written characters) and auditory (read utterances) signal. We confirmed that the model reconstructs the visual signal from a given corresponding auditory signal. Our approach presents a novel dynamical mechanism of the multi-modal information processing in the brain and fundamental technology for a brain like artificial intelligence system.

