
本学における新型コロナウイルス感染者の発生について / The Outbreak of COVID-19 at FUN




学長 片桐 恭弘


On Tuesday, February 22, 2022, it was found that another FUN student was infected with COVID-19. As a result of the investigation, it was confirmed that the student had not entered the campus building for two days just before the onset of the disease; since then the student has not come to the campus. There were students of FUN who were in contact with the infected student within two days just before the disease was developed; after that, it was reported that a few of them entered the campus buildings. However, the university grasped those students’ activity histories, and we confirmed that their health conditions had not changed as well. Therefore, the university currently operates as usual.

We will continue our effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in cooperation with the Public Health Center, etc.
We would like to ask for understanding and consideration regarding respect for the human rights of the student and the student’s family members, etc., and also the protection of the student’s personal information.


President of Future University Hakodate