






公立はこだて未来大学学長 片桐 恭弘


Dear Students,

As I mentioned in the video message on July 28, we are now making preparations
for the start of the classes in the second semester.
In the second semester, classes will be implemented in both face-to-face and
online style, depending on the content of the course.

FUN will take the following measures to prevent COVID-19 infection in classes.

(1) Reorganize the timetable of face-to-face classes so that they can be conducted
with staggered attendance.
(2) Limit the amount of seating used to maintain physical distance on campus
(3) Take measures to reduce congestion in the transportation system to and from
the university.
(4) Be careful of splash countermeasures and prepare disinfection supplies
in the classrooms, etc.
(5) Actively adopt IT-based infection control measures.

We would like to ask you all to do the following.

(1)It is important to acquire proper knowledge of infectious diseases and to take
scientific preventive measures. Be aware that there is a lot of inaccurate information given.
(2)Please take care of your physical condition. This means you should keep a record
of body temperature every day to be able to go back about a week so that you can check
since “when” you started to feel sick.
(3)Try to keep a record of your activities. It’s important to take note of where you stop by
and who you talk to.
(4)If possible, you should move to Hakodate during August in the case you take
the face-to-face examinations of the first semester.
(5)If possible, you should move to Hakodate by Friday, September18 which is one week
before the start of the second semester (Wednesday, September 23) , in the case you don’t
take the face-to-face examinations.
(6)Those who are doing only their graduation research in the second semester should follow
the instructions of their academic advisor.

※Please do not go out for a few days after moving to Hakodate and pay attention to your
physical condition. If you are not feeling well, please wait for your recovery before moving.
※Please wear a mask when travelling.

We may change our policy depending on the status of infections in the future.
Please continue to pay attention to announcements via email and the FUN official website, etc.

Best Regards,

President, Future University Hakodate