- 2024年9月 日本応用数理学会ベストオーサー賞(論文部門)を受賞(関連ページ)
- 2021年 3月 日本数学会応用数学研究奨励賞を受賞(関連ページ)
- 2016年 7月 The 11th AIMS ConferenceのStudent Paper Competitionにて、最優秀賞を受賞
- 2014年 7月 The 10th AIMS ConferenceのStudent Paper Competitionにて、ファイナリストに選出
- 2011年10月 MIMS 現象数理学シンポジウム にて、優秀ポスター賞を受賞
- 2011年9月 第21回日本数理生物学会 にて最優秀賞ポスター賞を受賞
- (査読有) S.-I. Ei, H. Ochiai, Y. Tanaka, Method of fundamental solutions for Neumann problems of the modified Helmholtz equation in disk domains, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 402, 113795 (2022)
- (査読有) S.-I. Ei, H. Ishii, S. Kondo, T. Miura, Y. Tanaka, Effective nonlocal kernels on Reaction-diffusion networks, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 509, 110496 (2021)
- (査読有) S.-I. Ei, H. Ishii, M. Sato, Y. Tanaka, M. Wang, T. Yasugi, A continuation method for spatially discretized models with nonlocal interactions conserving size and shape of cells and lattices, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Springer, 81, pp981–1028 (2020)
- (査読有) H. Ninomiya, Y. Tanaka, H. Yamamoto, Reaction-diffusion approximation of nonlocal interactions using Jacobi polynomials, accepted in Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Springer, 2017
- (査読有)Y. Tanaka, H. Yamamoto, H. Ninomiya, Mathematical approach to nonlocal interactions using a reaction-diffusion system, Development Growth and Differentiation, 59, a special issue: Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering in Biology, pp 388-395 (2017)
- (査読有)H. Ninomiya, Y. Tanaka, H. Yamamoto, Reaction, diffusion and non-local interaction, J. Math. Biol., Springer, 75, 1203–1233 (2017)
- (査読有)Tanaka, Y, Mimura, M, Ninomiya, H: “ A reaction diffusion model for understanding phyllotactic formation”, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Springer, 33, pp183-205 (2016)