学長 片桐恭弘
To All the Students
The year 2021 is ending. Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic has continued for nearly two years. This year we asked for restrictions on various activities for everyone as well as last year. The lengthy period of limitations upon face-to-face activities has been a tiring experience for many people. We understand how much you have been feeling restricted, frustrated, and anxious.
In Japan, the fifth wave of Covid-19 cases rapidly fell and the number of cases has remained low. In contrast, it was reported that a new variant named Omicron has recently appeared. However, basic precautions against the infection will be the same as we have taken before if a new variant appears; we will continue to fight against the coronavirus.
We are having the year-end and new year’s holidays. Usually, it is the time to enjoy gatherings, conversation, and special meals with family members, friends, and acquaintances, looking back on events you had in a year and drawing a new plan for next year. We would like you to take care to prevent infections and have precious time with your family and friends. Especially, please follow the basic precautions: avoiding 3Cs, wearing masks, sanitizing your hands, ventilating room. If having an opportunity to see people you have not seen for some time, more awareness of infection prevention is needed.
We sincerely hope the new year will be full of opportunities for you all.
And we look forward to seeing you in good health next year.
President of Future University Hakodate